Gocha Aleksandria, vice president of the Trade Unions Federation of Georgia, informed the participants of School of Projects of Moldova about good practices of organizing and conducting information campaigns implemented by the Georgian trade unionists.
The activity was held on Thursday, February 25, during the third session of the Trade Union School of Projects, taking place during the period 24-26 of February at the Labour Institute.
According to Gocha Aleksandria, information campaigns have a major impact on employees, contributing to better information and awareness of their social partners.
“Those who do trade union work must be close to employees, trade union members. Without direct communication with them, visits to enterprises, you cannot know the real situation and that you cannot give what is expected of you as an organization,” highlighted Gocha Aleksandria.
Georgian trade unionist urged his colleagues from Moldova to organize various information campaigns on various topics in order to provide information support to the public and efficiently communicate with the society.
“Trade Union School of Projects” is being implemented by CNSM within Labour Institute, with the support of the Austrian Development Agency, the National Trade Union Confederation of Austria (OGB) and Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
The project aims to contribute to strengthening the capacity of trade unions organizations, civic participation by forming trade union members, development of functional, social and professional skills of trade union teachers by organizing a series of training activities in the period September 2015-June 2016.
Department of mass-media and international relations