
Trade unionists picketed headquarters of the Government, demanding salary increases



Trade unionists from education, supported by leaders and activists of all national trade unions, picketed today the headquarters of the Government. They demanded wage increase for teachers and support staff in the branch, but also other categories of employees in the public sector.

Before going to the streets, demonstrators gathered at the headquarters of Trade Unions, where they were informed about the disposal of Prime Minister Pavel Filip, signed on January 16, after meeting with members of the Confederal Committee of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), which ordered the creation of a working group to reform the public sector wage system, consisting of representatives of several institutions and trade unions. It will have the mission to analyse, within a reasonable time, the situation at national and sectoral levels, to identify possible solutions and reserves and the estimated budgetary impact.

When it became clear that trade unionists do not give up protests, the representatives of the government announced that they are ready to start negotiations even today, at 12:00. In this regards it was created a committee of negotiations led by Deputy Prime Minister for social issues, Gheorghe Brega. According to the legislation, the commission includes representatives of the government party and trade unions.

“We decided to conduct the protests because, so far, nothing has been done. Now that the Government has taken a step, by starting formal negotiations process, the decision on the continuation of the protests is ours”, said Dumitru Ivanov, president of the Federation of Trade Union of Education and Science (FSEŞ) to the demonstrators gathered at the House of Trade Unions.

In this context, Oleg Budza, President of CNSM, said that changing attitudes of governance, by starting negotiations, it is the result of persistence and efforts of trade unionists. “It’s an important step, we have demonstrated that we are a force. Now is to see how it will work in the working group, to what extent they have met our requirements and will follow,” said the trade union leader.

Michael Hâncu, vice president of CNSM, said that the Confederal Committee of CNSM supported from the beginning FSEŞ actions, but problems can be solved through dialogue. “Whether or not we will protests, eventually all come to the negotiating table,” he said.

Trade union activists decided, however, to move towards government headquarters, where they picketed for an hour the institution. In front of the protesters came out with a reaction Deputy Minister of Education, Elena Cernei, who announced that at 12:00 will be held the first meeting within negotiations committee, urging trade unionists to a constructive dialogue, without disrupting the educational process.

According to her, the Ministry of Education is already in the process of developing a new methodology for teaching staff remuneration based on performance, to be presented in early February 2017 which is designed to motivate young specialists and stimulate existing teachers.

We would like to remind that today’s protest was conducted in accordance with the General Council of FSEŞ last week and the CNSM Confederal Committee decision on FSEŞ solidarity actions.

Also today, at 14:00, leaders of FSEŞ and CNSM held a press conference.

Dumitru Ivanov, President FSEŞ: “We definitely will not give up. If we do not get results from the negotiations, there will follow a new wave of protests by ceasing activity in schools! ”

Education trade unionists have filed six claims: 50% increase of function salary of teachers and science teachers; equalizer of wage for category I to size of minimum of subsistence, as from 1 January 2017; increasing the unique allowance granted to young specialists for job placement; reduction in teaching workload for young professionals to 75% for a salary based on the first three years of service; annual recalculation and unconditional amount of pensions for pensioners employed in the workforce and increase of the amount of scholarships by 20 percent from 1 January 2017.

Department of mass media and international relations