Today the social partners have met in a working group to discuss the proposals of the trade unions to amend and supplement the Collective Agreement (on a national level) no. 2 „Working time and resting time”.
Previously, the trade unions elaborated and approved a Convention project at the meeting of the Confederal Committee of the National Confederation of Trade Unions in Moldova on May 25, 2017. This included completing the list of professions for which the daily working time of 12 hours is allowed, followed by a resting period of at least 24 hours. These proposals came mainly from the branches of social service and rail transport
Among the professions that are found in the trade union proposals are locksmiths, electricians – locksmiths, drivers (which are included in the intervention teams in case of accidents) and a number of professions specific to rail transport.
We mention that these professions are established in branch Conventions and Collective labor agreements, but according to Article 100 of the Labor Code, these must be established by collective agreement (on a national level).
The parties have found that several professions have been proposed to complete the list, according to the Classification of Occupations of the Republic of Moldova, are also practiced in other areas of activity where there is no need for them to be extended to labor time of 12 hours, which in some cases does not comply with international stipulations.
Following the discussions, it was agreed to re-examine and perfect the lists of proposed professions, in the Convention project being mentioned that the amendments will only apply in the sectors of social services and rail transport.
Department of mass media and international relations