
The demarche of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova addressing Igor Dodon, the president of The Republic of Moldova, according the approval by the Parliament of the proposals for amendment and supplementation of the Labor Code



Dear Mr. President,

We hereby inform you that the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, during the plenary sitting from July 21st of the current year, adopted in the first and second reading the draft Legislative project according the amendments and supplementations of the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova nr.154-XV from 28.03.03 (registered with the no. 216 on 27.06.2017).

This Legislative project includes only the suggestions of the business associations representatives, and lacks any social, economic or judicial analyses.

Even though the National Trade Union Confederation was involved in the elaboration of this Law, its proposals and objections, exposed in the notice adopted within the Decision of the Confederal Committee of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova no. 6-2 from 25.05.2017 (which is being attached), were not taken into consideration.

We tend to mention that the adopted amendments to the Labor Code: undermines the rights, the social and economic guarantees of labor of the employees; diminishes the socio-judicial meaning of the individual and collective labor contracts; compromises the measures taken by the state related to the counteraction of the illegal work and payments; affects the efficiency of the Social partnership activity; creates contradictions  of the national legislation with the norms of the International Law, which the Republic of Moldova is part of.

Therefore, the implementation of the amendments and supplementations of the Labor Code, which undermines the labor rights and interests of the employees, will, definitely, lead to situations of conflict, and will condition the need to return to work on the improvement of legal regulations in the field of labor.

For the purpose of not admitting the undermining of the labor rights and interests of the employees, dear Mr. President of The Republic of Moldova, we kindly ask you, not to promulgate the Legislative project according the amendments and supplementations of the Labor Code of the Republic of Moldova nr.154-XV from 28.03.03 ((art.9, 10, 33 and others)), and, as a result, is needs to be reexamined by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.

In the hope that our solicitation will have a positive appreciation, and we want to be informed of it, we ask you to receive the assurance of our highest consideration.


President                                                                             Oleg BUDZA