
The CNSM leadership strongly expressed at the meeting of the National Commission for Collective Consultations and Negotiations



Today, October 3, the meeting of the National Commission for Collective Bargaining and Negotiation took place, where the social dialogue partners – Government, Employers and Trade Unions – held talks on 3 issues: on the reorganization of the central public administration, regarding the implementation of the new minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector and the examination of the draft Law for the amendment and completion of certain legislative acts in the part related to the achievement of the fiscal and customs policy objectives for 2018 and the improvement of the fiscal and customs legislation.

Oleg Budza, president of CNSM, said that the implementation of the minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector of the economy in the amount of 2380 lei per month is an important issue for trade unions because it ensures the guaranteed minimum standard of living for the employees. Therefore, he mentioned, economic agents who do not respect this decision of the Moldovan Government have to suspend their activity, thus taking over the experience of developed countries, such as Sweden. However, non-payment of the guaranteed minimum wage discourages the employee, does not allow him to raise his professional qualification and to work more efficiently.

In the appreciation of Sergiu Sainciuc, vice president of the CNSM, in many enterprises of various branches of the national economy, in which the primary trade union organizations operate, the guaranteed minimum wage in amount of 2380 lei is successfully implemented. At the same time, he pointed out, some companies in the sphere of social service and manufacture of goods, in which the primary trade union organizations of the Federation “SINDINDCOMSERVICE” operate, only 41% apply the salary for I category of qualification in the amount of 2380 of lei.

According to the statistics, Sergiu Sainciuc said, at the level of the national economy there was a 10 percent average salary increase, after the Government established on 1 May current minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector in the amount of 2380 lei, and in some branches even 16 percent.

At the same time, he recommended to the social dialogue partners to concentrate on the salary structure of an employee in the national economy. What is, in fact, the minimum guaranteed amount? Is it a salary for a job or a salary or a unit of time? Also a problem is the negotiation of the guaranteed minimum wage, which represents 40 percent of the average salary in the country, tangible to the norm of the revised European Social Charter.

Expressing the CNSM’s position on the draft Law on amending and completing some legislative acts regarding the achievement of the fiscal and customs policy objectives for 2018 and the improvement of the fiscal and customs legislation, Sergiu Sainciuc expressed his concern about the aspect limiting the non-taxable amount of the material aid granted by the trade unions. However, according to the law of the trade unions, the sources and the way of training, and the use of trade union assets and goods are set out in their statutes.

The Government has partially accepted the proposal of the trade unions to maintain the proposed amendment by completing it with rules stipulating that in the event of the death and / or sickness of the employee or relatives and / or first grade finishers, the material aid is non-taxable in total size.

Similarly, the CNSM proposed the establishment of the personal exemption, the exemption granted to the spouse in the amount equal to the subsistence minimum, calculated by the National Bureau of Statistics, multiplied by 12 months. In the given case, the proposal of the trade unions was partially accepted, insisting on measuring the size of the annual personal exemption, the major personal annual exemption, the annual relief for the persons maintained at the projected inflation rate for 2018 of 6%.

Speaking about the reorganization of the central public administration, which foresees the dismissal of almost 40% of the number of employees working in this field, Vlad Canțîr, the president of the Trade Union Federation of Public Service Employees of Moldova, called for the legal framework to be respected in this respect. He stressed that he would insist to emphasis on reforms involving lower cuts and stopping staff optimization. In his view, it is important to take into account the human factor, which is a primordial one.

Department of Mass Media and International Relations of CNSM