
Development solutions in a dynamic environment



Today, October 6, the 5th edition of the International Conference MACRO on “Moldova 2030 in Europe 2030: Identifying Development Solutions in a Dynamic Environment”, organized by the Independent Expert-Group Analytical Centre in partnership with Friedrich Ebert Foundation, attended by more than 100 guests: political leaders and decision-makers, representatives of the local public administration and the private sector, local and foreign experts, representatives of civil society organizations and the academic environment from Moldova.

Discussions were held on the State of the Country Report, conducted by the Expert Group – Independent Analytical Centre, which was presented by Adrian Lupusor, Executive Director of the Expert – Group Independent Analytical Centre. The main message of this document is that the state of the country is worsening against the backdrop of worsening of a series of systemic vulnerabilities, and the economic growth that is registered is not adequately reflected in the increase of the welfare of the population, which has led the participants to come up with viable solutions to overcome of the precarious situation created in the country.

Sergiu Sainciuc, vice president of the CNSM, said the event was on the eve of the World Day for Decent Work, declared by the International Labour Organization, which is marked each year on 7 October, so that the sustainable development goals assumed by the Republic of Moldova to be achieved by 2030. Trade unions are particularly concerned about the achievement of Objective 8, aimed at economic growth, support for small and medium-sized enterprises, job creation, decent work. Some forecasts predict economic growth of nearly 3 percent for the current year. From this perspective, the CNSM vice-president stressed, this economic growth must lead to a concrete improvement at the social level, to an improvement of the welfare of the people.

Speaking about the problems of our labour market, especially with regard to the lack of highly qualified workers, Sergiu Sainciuc proposed to attract as much investment as possible, to create suitable conditions for increasing the number of jobs. At the same time, he stipulated, it is necessary to ensure a pertinent remuneration by paying decent salaries. It is necessary that wages in the Republic of Moldova to be increased to 70-75 percent of the average size of EU wages if we want to stop labour exodus in the country.

Besides this, the vice president of CNSM added, some weaknesses related to wage inequality are also outlined. That is why the trade unions pronounce themselves to establish a minimum level of minimum wage. It is also hoped that the draft Law on unitary remuneration of the employees in the budgetary sector will be drafted as efficiently by the Government as possible, and in its content, the norms will be found providing adequate motivation for all employees in the budgetary sector.

Department of Mass Media and International Relations of CNSM