Less than a month after the meeting of the leaders of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI), when both institutions announced their intention to build cooperation relations, to become reliable partners, today, November 3, within the House of Trade Unions of Moldova, the President of CNSM, Oleg Budza and the President of the CCI, Sergiu Harea, signed a Collaboration Agreement that provides for joint actions to strengthen the business environment and social and economic protection of employees.
One of the main objectives of this major document supposes the organization of joint training activities, including the dual system and other current forms of work training. According to the Agreement, the representatives of CNSM will have the opportunity to participate in the “Trade mark of the year” competition, which takes place yearly under the aegis of the CCI, directly involved in the “Trade mark – social responsible” nomination. Also, the representatives of CNSM will participate in the conduct of international business forums to promote investment and promotional opportunities.
The signing parties engaged to participate mutually in the events organized by the CNSM and the CCI separately on subjects of common interest, to organize meetings of the members of the Confederal Committee and the CNSM leadership with the members of the CCI, to train in solving the social – economic problems and collective labour conflicts, to promote at all levels the principles of partnership and social dialogue.
The president of the CNSM, Oleg Budza , said that trade unions represent the interests of employees, which are extremely simple: jobs, decent wages and safe workplaces. It this context, in order to achieve these objectives, the CNSM aims to conclude a Cooperation Agreement with the CCI, which is always concerned with attracting foreign investments in our country, which provide new jobs, decent salaries. He also remarked, it is necessary to develop and realize joint projects. Therefore, there is an active collaboration abroad between the trade unions and the chambers of commerce and industry. An example of this is the cooperation between the CNSM and the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the organization of the trade union school. Generally, Oleg Budza concluded, there are many problems in our country on which the cooperation between the CNSM and the CCI must focus.
The president of the CCI, Sergiu Harea, said that signing the Cooperation Agreement between the CNSM and the CCI will have a beneficial impact both for enterprises and their employees; it will contribute in reducing the corruption and the informal economy in the country.