The fact that many people in our country enjoy the benefits from the modified pension system is largely due to trade unions. A large part of the CNSM proposals, such as the unification of all categories according to the same principle of establishing and calculating pensions, simplification of the calculation formula, early retirement , recalculation of pensions, etc. were taken into account in the elaboration of the unique Concept of Pension System Reform and were found in the amended pension legislation.
Unfortunately, in the process of reforming of the pension legislation, some discrimination, such as the exclusion of pension rights on advantageous conditions for people who work in unfavourable conditions, has been admitted. As a result, the CNSM had to address with different approaches to the Parliament, the Government, the People’s Advocate, the Council on the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Ensuring Equality (CPDAE) to exclude the discrimination in question.
As a result, the CPDAE issued a decision at the end of June, recommending that the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection to take all measures to amend the normative and legislative acts that contain discriminatory provisions. Directly, trade union structures in some areas of activity have compiled lists of occupations that provide the basis for beneficial retirement conditions.
At today’s meeting on November 16, the CNSM Confederal Committee approved the draft list of production units, workers, professions and functions under special conditions under which the right to retirement pension is granted on advantageous terms, which will be sent to the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining for examination and promotion.
Department of Mass Media and International Relations