
Trade unions require the involvement of social dialogue partners to improve working and living conditions of nurses



In more than a quarter of a century since the proclamation of our state’s independence, the number of nurses who left their jobs has increased nearly twice. Only in the capital, the deficit of medical workers with average education is over 5 thousand people.

Exodus of nurses could be diminished if the National Commission for Consultations and Collective Bargaining would respond to the request of the Confederal Committee of the CNSM, adopted at its today’s session 16 November, and would submit to the Government of the Republic of Moldova proposal to initiate the ratification procedure of the International Labor Organization Convention (ILO) No.149 on the employment, working conditions and living conditions of nurses.

However, according to the arguments presented by the CNSM Legal Department, employment, working and living conditions, remuneration, education and training for the exercise of nursing functions are the primary objective of the ILO Convention. Even more, the ratification of this ILO document is a commitment of the Republic of Moldova as a member of the ILO. So, the ratification of the convention will force our state to take many measures to improve the working and living conditions of workers in this field. That is, to develop and adopt a framework legislation to establish and supervise the basic education and training requirements in the field of healthcare.

In addition to this, settle disputes arising from the establishment of terms and conditions of employment by means of independent and impartial mechanisms such as mediation, conciliation and voluntary arbitration. It will also be necessary to create normal working conditions at least equal to those of other employees in terms of working time and rest. Specifically, it is about compensation for overtime and shift work, study leave, maternity leave, childcare, sick leave, social insurance, and more.

In the event of ratification of ILO Convention No.149, our country will be obliged to take action to promote the participation of nurses in the planning of healthcare services and their consultation with regard to the decisions they are concerned.

Department of Mass Media and International Relations