
CNSM declared the year 2018, the year of collective labour agreements



The Confederal Committee of the CNSM adopted on December 21 a decision declaring the year 2018 the year of the collective labour agreements. This decision seeks to increase the role of the collective labour agreement as a basic tool for enhancing the level of protection of the rights and social and economic interests of employees, trade union members.

In this context was approved the Action Plan for the implementation of the “Collective Labour Agreement – the Guarantee of Your Rights” campaign, which focuses on three general objectives: increasing the role of collective labour agreements in ensuring the rights and guarantees of employees, trade union members; strengthening the capacity to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the collective labour agreement; developing the image and increasing the role of the National-Branch Trade Union Centres in negotiating collective labour agreements.

The implementation of this Plan aims the improvement of the legal framework regarding the regulation of the negotiation and conclusion of collective labour agreements, the evaluation of the situation regarding the negotiation and conclusion of the collective labour agreements, the promotion of the importance, their role, the consolidation of the trade union officials’ capacity in the negotiation of the collective labour agreements.

Similarly, in the process of realizing the Plan, it will focus on providing methodical and practical support for the negotiation of collective labour agreements, enhancing the process of participation of trade unions in monitoring and evaluating the application of collective labour agreements, on the extension of involvement of the National-Branch Trade Union Centres in the promotion of the respective campaign.

Department of mass media and international relations of CNSM