Today, March 20, 2018, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) organized an event on the occasion of launching the national campaign “Collective Labour Agreement – the guarantee of your rights”, attended by the CNSM leadership; Iulia Costin, General Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure; Viorica Dumbrăveanu, State Secretary at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection; Leonid Cerescu, president of the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova, other leaders of trade unions and employers’ organizations in Moldova.
Speaking about the current achievements and perspectives of the CNSM, Oleg Budza, president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, reiterated that the well-being, respect for the rights and guarantees of the worker is the main priority of the Confederation. In order to achieve this strategic goal, he noted, the CNSM makes use of all the mechanisms provided by the legislation in force. However, the most effective instrument in this respect seems to be the social partnership. Namely, by negotiating with the Government and the employers’ organizations, through the realization of the consensus, the trade unions manage to conclude collective labour agreements at different levels.
As a result, the president of the CNSM pointed out, by means of these legal acts, normative provisions are adopted, which guarantee a higher level of protection for employees, more favourable conditions for employers, increases in public budget revenues and better functioning of state institutions. He also evoked several examples, when due to the CNSM’s efforts in the tripartite consultations and negotiations, the public sector and the real sector revenues increased.
The president of the CNSM informed the participants of the event that the real purpose of the “Collective Labour Agreement – the guarantee of your rights” campaign is to achieve a qualitative and quantitative increase in collective labour agreements and to ensure strict compliance with the clauses that strengthen the protection of employees in our country.
In the vision of Leonid Cerescu, President of the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova, the collective labour agreement is the foundation of the relations between employers and employees, leads to the creation of legal employment relations, substantiates the rights and obligations of the parties involved in the process of employment. He specified that by organizing the respective CNSM campaign, social peace will be ensured in enterprises that have concluded collective labour agreements.
Viorica Dumbrăveanu, state secretary at the Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection, in her intervention, stressed that the collective labour agreement is a key element in terms of strengthening social dialogue and partnership.
In this context, Iulia Costin, general secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, pointed out that by organizing the campaign, it will be possible to count on the efficiency of the partnership between the Government, employers and trade unions and the defence of the employees’ rights.
During the event, the phenomenon of social dialogue was also approached. In this context, Mihail Severovan, president of the Employers ‘Association of Public Services, Alexandra Can, president of the Light Industry Employers’ Association and Mihai Iacob, general manager of S.E. “Radiocomunicații” have ruled on the importance of the collective labour agreement for employers.
Regarding the challenges and solutions in the context of the social dialogue at the branch level insisted the trade union leaders Victor Talmaci, president of the Trade Union Federation of Constructions and Building Materials Industry “SINDICONS”, Aurel Popovici, president of the Trade Union Federation “Sănătatea”, and Mihail Laşcu, of the Trade Union Federation of Moldova “SINDLEX”. About the social dialogue at the level of unity that guarantees the social stability of the employees talked Leonid Lupan, president of the Trade Union Committee of the J.S. “Lafarge Ciment (Moldova)”, Victoria Madan, vice-president of the Trade Union Committee of L.T.D.”Ungar”.
Events related to the launch of the national campaign “The Collective Labour Agreement – the guarantee of your rights” will take place also in Bălţi and Cahul, respectively on 21 and 22 March.
Department of mass media and international relations of CNSM