
The Laboratory Control of Risk Factors of the Labor Inspectorate of Trade Unions has been accredited



The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) obtained the Accreditation Certificate no. LÎ-128 of 16.01.2020 of the Laboratory Control of Risk Factors (LCRF) from the National Accreditation Center of the Republic of Moldova (MOLDAC), for the competence of the performed tests and the compliance with the requirements of the standard SM EN ISO / IEC 17025:2018.

The Accreditation Certificate can be accessed  here.

LCRF performs instrumental measurements of physical factors: lighting, microclimate (speed of air currents, temperature, relative humidity of air), noise, vibration (general and local), and electromagnetic fields from video terminals (calculator/computer) at workplaces and in the field of environment.

The aforementioned services are provided free of charge to the entities where trade union organizations operate.

The laboratory has the mission to contribute towards ensuring the safety and health of the workers by providing quality testing services and assessing the risks that can be caused by the physical factors at the workplace, in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory framework.

The activity of the LCRF within the Labor Inspectorate of Trade Unions it is included in the provisions of the CNSM Strategy for the years 2017-2022 regarding the need to improve the situation in the field of occupational safety and health (OSH).

Following the working visits for carrying out the instrumental measurements at the entities, test and measurement reports on each investigated risk factor are prepared and submitted to the administration and the presidents of the primary trade union organizations. At the same time, in cases of non-compliance with the values ​​of the factors, the regulations in force, proposals are submitted to comply with the working conditions to the legal norms.

Occupational health and safety in the trade unions’ view

“The creation of this Laboratory was necessary when it was found that not even 20 percent of the employers did not comply with the norms regarding the attestation of jobs in terms of harmlessness for the life and health of the workers ”, said Oleg Budza, president of CNSM.

LCRF was established in 2017 and it was created thanks to the support provided by CNV Internationaal (Netherlands) as part of the project “Enhancing the skills of trade union experts in the assessment of occupational risks at work”.

We mention that the team of doctors from the Laboratory has a professional experience of 20-30 years of activity in the field, has a good professional training, confirmed by Certificates of training, improvement, certificates of conformity.

How you can benefit from the Laboratory services

  • The instrumental measurements are made on the basis of a Request for application, which is submitted by the presidents of the national-branch trade union centers at the request of the individual and legal persons, members of the trade union. Application form
  • The request is submitted by the presidents of the national-branch trade union centers at CNSM, for approval to the CNSM president.
  • The Head of Laboratory analyzes the Request for application also from the point of view of the Laboratory possibility for fulfilling and satisfying the requirements of the applicant.Following the verification of the applications, in reasonable terms, are taken the decisions of acceptance or refusal, with subsequent information to a beneficiary / client by telephone and e-mail.
  • The laboratory collaborates permanently with the beneficiaries / clients and with the representative of their trade union organization to clarify the request, then presents the rigorous conclusions and recommendations.

More details about the Laboratory activity can be accessed here.

Alarming statistics in the field of OSH

“In 2019, the doctors of the Laboratory performed 3850 measurements of the risk factors from the work places. Among these, 508 or about 13.2 percent did not comply with the rules in force,” said Elena Carchilan, head of the Labour Inspectorate of Trade Unions.

The trade unions are already insisting for the fifth consecutive year that the Republic of Moldova have to ratify the Convention no. 161 of the International Labor Organization “regarding occupational health services”. The government has included in its activity plan for this year the ratification of the concerned document.

According to preliminary data of the State Labor Inspectorate, in 2019 there were 491 work-related accidents. At the same time, international statistics show that every year about 2 million people lose their lives because of work accidents.

For more details on the activity of the Laboratory, you can contact us: National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, no.129, 31 August 1989 str., MD-2012, Chisinau.

Tel: (+373 22) 26-66-08, (+373 22) 26-66-10, (+373) 67-56-21-33. Fax: (022) 23-40-90. CNSM hotline: 0-800-800-20.

Department of Mass Media and International Relations