“Stay home and look for work by participating in the online fair!” – this is the call of the National Employment Agency of Moldova (ANOFM), which between 8-15 June 2020, in connection with the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19, organizes online the 18th edition of the Job Fair, with the theme “Jobs in Moldova”.
The online job fair is the electronic form of a traditional job fair, which can be accessed on the www.e-angajare.md platform. The most active companies in the Republic of Moldova, which have vacancies in various fields, are invited to participate in the given edition of the online Fair.
“In the current situation, our goal is to promote job vacancies across the country and provide companies with online recruitment opportunities, and jobseekers, including returnees from abroad, the possibility of applying online and in real time to available jobs “, said Raisa Dogaru, director of ANOFM.
For more information, contact the ANOFM Call and Communication Center at the telephone number: 0 8000 1000 and territorial subdivisions for employment. Details about the event are available on www.e-angajare.md. The event is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) within the project “Migration and Local Development”, funded by the Government of Switzerland.
We remind that ANOFM organizes annually the Job Fair in which thousands of vacancies were announced by hundreds of employers from all over the country. The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova participates in these Fairs through information activities about the particularities of labor legislation and communicates to visitors the role and contribution of trade unions in defending the rights and interests of employees.
According to the data of the National Employment Agency, published in April this year, there were 7961 job vacancies.
Department of mass-media and international relations of CNSM