The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova together with the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova submitted today, on April 16, a request to the Government of the Republic of Moldova. This address provides for the adoption of active measures in order to ensure the necessary level of socio-economic protection of the general population, employees and the business environment.
In the approach submitted to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Ion Chicu, the social partners – trade unions and employers, indicate: financial assistance provided to the Republic of Moldova by the European Union in order to cover immediate needs and overcome the long-term consequences of the epidemiological crisis in the country, it needs to be applied as a matter of priority in the medical field, in order to support the population, of the employees left without a job, but also of the economic agents that have stopped their activity.
Thus, trade unions and employers believe that, in order to maintain the link between employer and employees and, at a post-crisis stage, reducing the time for economic recovery, the state should assume the payment of technical unemployment benefits in cases where economic agents are making their employees technically unemployed.