The members of The Confederal Committee of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova have met today, 27th July, in an ordinary sitting, to discuss a number of issues regarding the social-economic, financial and organizational aspect.
One of the subjects to be debated was the vision of CNSM on the concept of the unitary pay system in the budgetary sector.
At present, for multiple categories of employees with the same title of function and salary category are established various enhancements and supplements, which, in its turns, influences very differently on the calculated monthly salary. Finally, the salaries are very disproportional, the basic salary, in some cases, constitutes only 20-30% from the total monthly-calculated salary. This system is difficult to administrate, as it lacks a unified system of monitoring the payments made to the employees, person and function, which is identified in an uncompetitive human resource management system.
According to Sergiu Sainciuc, vice-president of CNSM, the above mentioned, as well as the existing big discrepancy in the payroll segment (the lowest salary is 1 thousand lei and the highest – 27 thousand lei), have caused the necessity of the elaboration of a new law regarding the unitary pay system in the budgetary sector. „The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova participated actively in the process of the elaboration of the concept, submitting proposals within the meetings of the created working group, as well as leaving messages in Public space”, he said.
The basic principles which, in the vision of CNSM, needs to be part of the concept itself and refer to: applying the unique principles of establishing salaries in the public sector; unification of multiple bonuses and supplements in the amount of fixed (basic) salary, which should account to about 80% of the calculated salary, and the variable part – not more than 20%; the phased introduction of the unified payment tariff network, which will be the basis of the new payroll system; ensuring comparable salaries for similar functions in all the domains of the budgetary sector.
At the same time, in the new law, it is necessary to include the establishment of the wages for I salary category in an amount equal to the subsistence minimum, which thus needs to be equal to the minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector, and to reach the amount of 50 percent from the average salary in the national economy.
The concept of the unitary payment system in the budgetary sector must contain, in the opinion of the trade unionists, the annual reexamination of the amount of the salary for all categories of employees using one single mechanism, on the basis of an increase in the consumer price index; the integration into the basic salary of the annual bonus; the performance of the individual performance evaluation system, for the purpose of using that criterion in the reexamination of the conditions of payment and increasing the payment scales; raising the minimum wage level, focused on progressing the social aspect, as well as reducing the gap between the established salaries in the payment tariff network, thus, the superior category not to be 12 times bigger than the I payroll category.
During the same sitting, the members of The Confederal Committee approved the amendments to the Legislative project concerning the modification and the completing some legislative acts on performance of tax and customs policy for 2018.
The most important of these concern the limiting the non-taxable amount of the material support granted by the trade unions and not taxing the dismissal of duty compensation; establishing the personal exemption and that given to husband/wife in an amount equal to the subsistence minimum, calculated by the National Bureau of Statistics, multiplied by 12 months (at present, the personal exemption constitutes 50.5% from the subsistence minimum of active people) and not applying the spa tax for treatment and rest tickets purchased from the state budget, state social insurance budget, and local budgets.
Also, in the today’s meeting, were approved the proposals of CNSM in the form of a Legislative project concerning the formation and the use of the Guarantee Fund for the payment of wages in the event of the employer’s insolvency. Also, was approved the list of entities on which, during 2017-2018, are to be carried out instrumental measurements by representatives of the Labor Inspectorate of the Unions.
The trade unionists also approved the Activity Plan of CNSM for semester II of this year, taking into considerations, the objections and proposals of delegates at the CNSM III Congress of June 7, 2017.
Department of mass media and international relations