
Backlog in the implementation on the minimum guaranteed amount in the real sector of economy



As we know, as of 1 May 2017, according to a governmental decision, the minimum guaranteed wage in the real sector of the economy was set at 2380 lei per month. That is, the monthly salary of an employee for a full-time work program cannot be less than this amount.

How is the Executive’s decision regarding the implementation of the minimum guaranteed salary applied by the units with financial autonomy irrespective of the type of ownership and form of legal organization in the country? The leadership of the trade unions of Moldova tried to find the answer to this question during the today’s session of the Confederal Committee of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova.

As a result of the analysis of the information provided by the national-branch trade union centres, it has been proved that in most enterprises, organizations, institutions with financial autonomy the monthly salaries of the employees are not lower than the minimum guaranteed salary set by the Government in the amount of 2380 lei. Moreover, in some units in the banking, light industry, environmental protection, machinery and apparatus, construction, etc., the value of wages exceeds this limit.

Of course, it is noted that, in every field of activity, the implementation of the wage provisions is carried out according to the specific peculiarities. For example, in the agro-industrial and related industries, different forms and payroll systems are used, that is, as dictates the specificity of the activity and the economic conditions.

At the same time, it was noted during the meeting of the Confederal Committee of the CNSM, that in some units in the agriculture and food industry, the application of the guaranteed minimum wage rate is slow. Their employers usually justify that the economic and financial situation in the country is difficult, that the state does not allocate subsidies and does not provide sufficient facilities, that there are difficulties in selling the production and prices are low.

Also, in some economic units in the spheres of consumer co-operation, trade and entrepreneurship, the primary trade union organizations of the “MOLDSINDCOOPCOMERT” Federation, the remuneration is made in agreement, according to the volume of work, the provision of services, the duration of the working period, that the decrease of these indicators leads to lower wages. It should be added that enterprises within the Trade Union Federation of Workers from Social Service and Manufacture of Goods SINDICCOMSERVICE do not hurry to pay minimum wages according to the minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector of the economy. Only slightly more than 40 percent of them pay monthly salaries for I qualification category in the amount of 2380 lei.

As a result, the CNSM Confederal Committee decided to propose to the social partners to discuss the issue of implementing the minimum guaranteed salary in the real sector of the economy within the National Commission for Collective Consultation and Negotiation. At this meeting, it was also recommended that the national-branch trade union centres, upon the conclusion of collective agreements and collective labour contracts, should ensure compliance with the provisions of the Government Decision of 11.06.2002 regarding the remuneration of the employees of the units with financial autonomy regarding the differentiation of function salaries / tariffs in relation to the qualification, the level of professional training and the competence of the employee.


Department of Mass Media and International Relations of CNSM