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Declaration of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova on the abolition of the right to early retirement

20 December, 8:45

The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova disapproves and expresses categorically against the ...

The impact of social dialogue on the optimization of labour migration in Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine

15 December, 15:27

The Labour Institute of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova in cooperation with the Congress ...

Decent work for young people, the premise of economic, social progress

14 December, 8:46

“The state, the trade unions must strive to create decent working conditions for young people in ...

The implementation of the SDGs, a unique opportunity for trade unions to promote, respect and guarantee workers’ rights

13 December, 16:22

Strengthening the workers organizations’ efforts in the Implementation of the Sustainable Development ...

Occupational safety and health of workers, the primary objective of trade unions

12 December, 16:01

“The occupational safety and health of the trade union member is a pressing issue globally,” ...

Ageing of the active workforce and prolonging working life, on the agenda of the social partners in the European Union

12 December, 13:40

Health and safety of workers are necessary for a sustainable professional life, active ageing and good ...

CNSM trade unionists have carried out a review of the activity of the last five years

12 December, 8:43

Today, December 15, the Women’s Council of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) ...

“CNSM continues to firmly accomplish its mission to protect trade union members”

30 November, 13:37

“Even if society is going through an extremely difficult period, the CNSM continues to accomplish ...

The women-trade unionists require that discrimination and violence to be stopped at the workplace

28 November, 13:42

The Women’s Council of the National Trade Unions Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and the Municipal ...

Youth from villages and young women are the most discouraged on the labour market

24 November, 13:45

In Moldova, according to the National Institute for Economic Research (INCE) and demographics experts, ...

The experience of BNS from Romania, useful for making Moldovan trade unions’ activities more efficient

24 November, 13:38

“Both the scale of the whole country and the level of certain areas have accumulated multiple challenges ...

The Right to strike – obtained for several categories of employees

22 November, 14:59

The right to strike is an effective mean of defending the employees’ professional, economic and ...

Education trade unionists call for improved working conditions for young specialists

22 November, 13:43

The massive exodus of young specialists working in the education system could be stopped only if substantial ...

The amendments to the contravention code aimed to discourage informal employment of employees

22 November, 11:01

On 27 October, the changes in the Moldovan Contravention Code entered into force, not only the employers ...

Trade unions require more money from the country’s budget for wages, pensions and strengthening social protection

21 November, 16:02

The Social Dialogue Partners – government, employers’ organization and trade unions – gathered to...