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Letter of solidarity with the trade unions from Romania addressed to the Government of Romania

11 October, 14:55

To the Government of Romania   CC: Trade Unions from Romania BNS, Cartel-ALFA, CSDR and CNSLR-Fratia C...

CNSM and the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB) will intensify their cooperation relations

11 October, 14:53

Today, October 11, in Chisinau, the leaders of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) ...

Trade unions insist on compliance with EU rules in the process of reforming labour law

11 October, 14:51

More than 60 people, representatives of public authorities, CNSM, employers, national and international ...

Effectiveness lesson on the work of the trade unions from Bogdan Iuliu Hossu, President of CNS Cartel Alfa, Romania

10 October, 14:49

On October 10, at the CNSM Labor Institute took place a workshop on “Strengthening the Work of ...

Young trade unionists have celebrated the World Day for Decent Work

7 October, 16:01

On the occasion of celebrating the World Day for Decent Work, a group of young unionists, members of ...

Development solutions in a dynamic environment

6 October, 16:02

Today, October 6, the 5th edition of the International Conference MACRO on “Moldova 2030 in Europe ...

The reform of the pension system of the Republic of Moldova was discussed at a round table

5 October, 14:03

Around 90 deputies, local public servants and representatives of civil society, gathered in Chisinau ...

Fair income, safety at work, social protection

4 October, 17:54

Today, on 4 October, was held a round table entitled “For decent work: fair income, safety at work, ...

Lawmakers from Eastern Europe and Central Asia join forces to support women’s participation in public life

4 October, 15:05

Around 90 deputies, local public servants and representatives of civil society, gathered in Chisinau ...

The CNSM leadership strongly expressed at the meeting of the National Commission for Collective Consultations and Negotiations

3 October, 19:33

Today, October 3, the meeting of the National Commission for Collective Bargaining and Negotiation took ...

Poor working conditions generate high morbidity

29 September, 7:35

In the first semester of this year, the Labour Inspectorate of Trade Unions (IMS) made 283 work visits ...

Backlog in the implementation on the minimum guaranteed amount in the real sector of economy

28 September, 7:36

As we know, as of 1 May 2017, according to a governmental decision, the minimum guaranteed wage in the ...

The Youth Commission of the CNSM carries out the first Pan-European Model Trade Union Campus, entitled “Youth for an Innovative Social Trade Union”

28 September, 7:32

The first Trade Union Campus entitled “Youth for an Innovative Social Trade Union” took place ...

CNSM calls the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova to cooperate

26 September, 15:59

Today, September 26, the CNSM leadership met with the leaders of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry ...

Rodica Popescu, Confederal Secretary of CNSM: The Academy on Social Security is a unique opportunity to learn from the experiences of other states and subsequently to identify priorities for the Confederation in the field of social protection

20 September, 15:57

During 18 – 30 September, the International Labour Organization (ILO) organizes in Torino, Italy, ...