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The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova CNSM presented its vision on the concept of the unitary payment system in the budgetary sector

27 July, 10:57

The members of The Confederal Committee of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova have ...

The DECLARATION of CNSM in connection with the approval by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova of the proposals to amend and supplement the Labor Code

25 July, 10:55

On July 21 of the current year, the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova adopted the Law which amended ...

The extend of the list of professions for which the daily working time of 12 hours is allowed, to the attention of the social partners

25 July, 10:54

Today the social partners have met in a working group to discuss the proposals of the trade unions to ...

A new meeting of the National Commission for Collective Consultation and Negotiation took place

21 July, 9:00

The social partners met on Thursday, July 20, at the National Commission for Consultations and Collective ...

Representatives of trade unions, employers and the UN discussed on the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

20 July, 10:59

A delegation of the United Nations (UN) had a working meeting with representatives of social partners ...

Higher salaries for teachers in the new year of study

19 July, 12:55

Starting September 1, the salaries of teachers in general and vocational-technical education will be ...

Expert in Labour Law: The draft amendment to the Labour Code involves multiple social risks

19 July, 12:53

The impact and social effects of the amendments to the Labour Code, approved by the Government at the ...

The deficiencies in the new pension law were discussed in a workshop

13 July, 12:01

Implementation of the reform of the pension system in the Republic of Moldova: achievements and challenges ...

CNSM DECLARATION regarding the anticipation of numerous redundancies following the reform of the Government of the Republic of Moldova

4 July, 11:59

The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova notes with concern that as a result of the Government’s ...

DECLARATION of CNSM regarding the approval by the Government of the Republic of Moldova of the proposals to amend and supplement the Labour Code

4 July, 10:48

The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) notes with concern that the amendments and additions ...

The CNSM does not support the amendments and additions to the Labour Code which diminish the rights and guarantees of the employees

23 June, 10:46

The Government approved at the meeting on June 23, a series of amendments and additions to the Labour ...

Capacity building for sectoral committees to the attention of social partners and development partners

21 June, 8:38

On Wednesday, June 21, in Chisinau took place a workshop on capacity building for sectoral committees ...

16 trade unionists received certificates of graduation of the course “Training of trainers”

16 June, 8:02

Another group of trainees from national-branch trade union centres and primary trade union organizations ...

CNSM conducted Congress III

7 June, 14:59

Trade unionists from all over the country, social partners and representatives of international trade ...

Addressing of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova to the members of the Venice Commission on changing of the electoral system

16 May, 14:11

The text can be downloaded here.