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The sub-regional Forum of the PERC Economists Network is taking place in Chisinau

10 May, 17:18

According to a survey carried out by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Global Wage Report ...

The World Employment and Social Outlook 2017

11 April, 13:01

This edition takes stock of the current global labour market situation, assessing the most recent employment ...

Social partners stressed that the decline in the informal economy will contribute to improving the social protection system in Moldova

6 April, 12:00

Tuesday, April 4th, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), in collaboration with the ...

The wave of protests of trade unionists in education grew

5 April, 15:07

After several protests held in front of the Government and Parliament in January and March, education ...

In Chisinau takes place an international training “Trade unions and social media”

30 March, 13:05

40 young representatives of trade union organizations from Moldova, Belarus and Ukraine participate during ...

Corina Fusu, minister of Education: Government will continue to examine the possibilities to rise salaries

24 March, 15:11

After protesting yesterday, March 23, in front of Parliament today education trade unionists gathered ...

Teachers have resumed protests: “We can not tolerate such attitude towards pedagogical work!”

23 March, 13:07

About 2000 demonstrators – employees of educational institutions in the country, with the support ...

Trade unionists beat the alarm: the impact of migration on children left without parental care is becoming more assertive

15 March, 12:34

  Women from the Trade Union Federation of Moldova “SINDLEX” point out that more and ...

Railway workers’ claims were submitted to all decision makers

13 March, 12:26

Trade Union Federation of Railway Workers of Moldova sent today, March13, the claims adopted unanimously ...

Employees of “Railway of Moldova” again in the streets, this time backed by all national trade unions

11 March, 15:09

About 1,200 people – employees of the State Enterprise “Railway of Moldova” (CFM) and ...

Trade unionists were informed about multiple aspects that relate to pension system reform

28 February, 12:01

Monday, February 27, the board of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and representatives ...

Oleg Budza: IMF Assistance Should Also Be Directed to the Social Sector

23 February, 15:45

The leadership of the National Trade Union Confederation and the members if the NTUC Confederation Board ...

In Chisinau was held an international seminar for trade unionists from constructions – members of BWI

8 February, 16:45

Trade unionists from around 20 countries, including Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Sweden and CIS countries, ...

Oleg Budza, president of CNSM: Active fighting against informal economy will contribute to identify the necessary resources to carry out socio-economic reforms

20 January, 11:31

Over 80% of Moldova’s economy is shadow, and the highest percentage of undeclared employment can ...

At the insistence of trade unions have been increased a number of social payments for employees in the education sphere

19 January, 11:36

Young teachers will receive unique benefits increased by 50 percent to job placement in the first three ...