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Policemen will receive additional 7 days of annual leave for work involving psycho-emotional effort

5 May, 16:00

The leadership of the Trade Union “Demnitate” and the General Inspectorate of Police (IGP) ...

Trade unions insist on speeding up the approval by the Government of the Resolution on the determination of the minimum salary

5 April, 15:08

National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) strongly urges the approval of the Government’s De...

Federation “SINDICONS” will put into operation some modern sanitary facilities for the workers of mobile sites

5 April, 15:05

Trade Union Federation of Construction “SINDICONS” invites media representatives at the launch ...

In 2015 state labor inspectors and the trade unions ones have conducted several joint actions on occupational safety and health

1 April, 15:11

Labour inspectors of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and State Labour Inspectorate ...

Pavel Filip at a meeting with trade unions: Ensuring social equity and justice is a priority for the Executive

28 March, 15:12

Prime Minister Pavel Filip had a meeting today with representatives of the National Trade Unions Confederation o...

FPU (203 of 273)
VII th Congress of the Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine

24 March, 11:09

The leader of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) attended the VII th Congress of ...

Trade Union Federation of Workers from Culture organized a series of training seminars for trade union leaders from the territory

23 March, 14:34

Trade Union Federation of Workers from Culture (FSLC), in cooperation with the National Trade Union Confederation ...

In Chisinau took place an international conference “Specialized labour courts – a reform option for the Republic of Moldova?”

18 March, 8:11

The need to establish specialized courts for quality solving of labour disputes that would ensure the ...

Green light for continuous training of employees from agriculture and food industry

17 March, 14:01

Development of professional training and validation of informal skills for employees from agriculture ...

The penalties for drivers who do not give legal priority to pedestrians or cyclists could be tightened

16 March, 14:06

General Police Inspectorate (GPI) welcomes the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) initiative ...

Moldovan trade unionists assimilate European practices in solving labor disputes

15 March, 14:07

Between March 14th to 17th, experts from the Industriall Global Union (IGU) held in Chisinau, in the ...

Trade Union Federation of Transport and Road Workers ask the authorities to make more efforts to combat informal economy

14 March, 10:46

The Council of the Trade Union Federation of Transport and Road Workers from the Republic of Moldova ...

In the Republic of Moldova it is recording a tendency of reducing the number of economically active persons

14 March, 10:44

Economically active population in Moldova has recorded a downward trend in recent years, while decreasing ...

Trade unionists from Education and Science plead for the compliance with the Agreement concluded between the national branch trade unions centers of CNSM

14 March, 10:43

Members of the General Council of the Trade Union Federation of Education and Science (FSEŞ) met on W...

Declaration of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova

14 March, 10:41

Declaration of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova National Trade Union Confederation of ...