

Number of children who rested in trade unions’s camps on rise this year

8 November, 15:17

”Moldsindbalneotur” Holding produced Thursday, November 7, 2013, within a meeting, to the National Conf...

Syndicalists examined problems of countryside women with Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family, Valentina Buliga

28 October, 13:11

Representatives of Women Organizations, within the National Federation of Agriculture and Nutrition Trade ...

Syndicalist women of rural area handed deputies the Appeal addressed to Moldovan Government and Parliament

21 October, 14:50

About 50 women of the Women Organizations within the National Federation of Agriculture and Nutrition ...

Trade union women from rural area indignant of non-observance of their rights

15 October, 16:01

The Women Organizations within the National Federation of Agriculture and Nutrition Trade Unions „Agroindsind” of m...

Women unionists of “Agroindsind” will hold meetings across the country dedicated to the World Day of Rural Women

9 October, 10:00

Organization of Women of the National Federation of Trade Unions of Agriculture and Food “Agroindsind” will...

Trade Unions request implication of IMF representatives in settlement of country’s social-economic problems

1 October, 12:23

Republic of Moldova faces a crucial period, the greatest danger for the country’s future being the em...

Trade unions against privatization of state enterprises

19 September, 11:51

The National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM) opposes the mass privatization of big enterprises ...

Syndicalists threaten with protests if state authorities do not accept their requests

16 September, 14:23

The Women Council within the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM) threatens the ...

The young trade unionists were presented modern practices of motivation for trade unions affiliation

9 September, 13:48

Members of the Youth Council of the National Confederation of Trade Unions (NCTU) had a roundtable meeting ...

Trade Unions and NCMI signed a Contract of medical assistance offered to employees

19 August, 17:20

The National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM) and the National Company for Medical Insurance ...

Education syndicalists require Government salary growths and improvement of labour conditions for system employees

15 August, 17:14

Thursday, August 14, the Education and Science Trade Union (ESTU) General Council took place in Chișinău, wi...

„Demnitate” Trade Union and General Police Inspectorate signed the Collective Convention

25 July, 9:46

The board of „Demnitate” Trade Union and of the General Police Inspectorate signed, Wednesday, July 24, ...

Number of employees working in inadequate labour conditions is on rise

22 July, 13:36

The number of employees working in inadequate labour conditions, not complying with the hygienic-sanitary ...

Trade Unions and IMF analysed the economic situation of the country

25 June, 10:13

The board of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM) met on June 24, 2013 with ...

Trade Unions of Moldova have presented the electronic card “SINDICARD”

4 June, 17:29

National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova (NCTUM) and BC "Unibank" SA have presented on Tuesday, ...