

ITUC 2020 General Council Meeting

1 December, 8:26

The ITUC General Council meeting on 24 and 25 November has adopted a focused and ambitious programme ...

The most ingenious visions of young people about decent work and economic growth were awarded in a competition

30 November, 12:02

Several young people from the country, including trade union members, participated on November 26 in ...

25 November – International Day of Elimination of Violence against Women

25 November, 17:54

Women working from home need extra protection against online harassment and domestic violence. Laws against ...

State control in the field of occupational safety and health it is up to the State Labor Inspectorate

20 November, 16:04

Due to the firm position of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), at the Parliament ...

CNSM Women’s Commission assessed the socio-economic impact of the pandemic on women in the Republic of Moldova

28 October, 14:57

The Women’s Commission of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) analyzed on ...

The situation of young people on the labor market and the impact of the pandemic, in the social partners’ view

13 October, 8:28

In the context of the activities dedicated to the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW), the National Trade ...

The social partners analyzed the social-economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic in an online meeting

6 October, 8:24

On the eve of the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW), marked annually on October 7, the National Trade ...

Alarming statistics in the OSH field. The trade unionists reiterate the need to develop an integrated system of Labor Inspection

30 September, 17:56

According to the report made by the State Labor Inspectorate (SLI), in 2019, 509 accidents of workers’ ...

CNSM Women’s Commission claims that women are a category severely affected by the effects of the pandemic situation and need more support

10 August, 15:16

The Women’s Commission of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) is concerned ...

ILO issues guidance for safe, healthy, return to work during COVID-19

29 May, 13:11

Workers must feel safe at their workplaces, both from risks directly related to COVID-19, and indirect ...

Young workers are the most affected category in the economic crisis caused by COVID-19. More than one in six young people lost their jobs

29 May, 13:00

The ILO’s latest analysis of the labour market impact of COVID-19 exposes the devastating and disproportionate ef...

ANNOUNCEMENT: The 18th edition of the job fair will be held online this year

29 May, 12:38

“Stay home and look for work by participating in the online fair!” – this is the call ...

Digitization of occupational safety and health, a necessity in the context of COVID-19

25 May, 15:48

The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is putting pressure on employers and workers, who are forced ...

The effects of the COVID-19 crisis on workers and the protection of women to the attention of the PERC-ITUC Women’s Committee

25 May, 15:05

Members of the Women’s Committee of the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) of the International ...

The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova and the International Labor Organization intensifies the bilateral cooperation

6 March, 14:45

The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) ...