

The Administration of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (NTUCM) discussed with the designated Prime Minister Iurie Leancă the existent problems of employees.

28 May, 9:36

The current situation from the labor sector, the existent problems in the field of medical care, education ...

The president of National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova, Oleg Budza, participates at the IXth European Regional Meeting of the International Labour Organization.

11 April, 9:57

For the period from April, 8 till April, 11, the president of National Confederation of Trade Unions ...

The new Law of Police brings discontent among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

13 March, 12:59

Personnel reorganization, together with coming into force of the Law on the police activity and the status ...

Physicians’ Trade Union from Vulcăneşti asked for the payment of salary debts

13 March, 12:52

Over 100 of physicians and medical assistants, trade union members, protested on Monday, March 4, in ...

National Trade Union Confederation condemns the intention of modification of the Labour Code and Trade Union Law

13 March, 12:45

National Trade Union Confederation (NTUC) is against the proposals for amendment of some articles of ...

More than 15000 people celebrated May Day within the framework of a meeting in order to demand the right to work and decent life

1 May, 13:14

More than 15000 people celebrated May Day within the framework of a meeting in order to demand the right ...