Today, October 11, in Chisinau, the leaders of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) met with Marcus Strohmeier, Head of the International Department, Austrian International Secretary of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), where were discussed the prospects for cooperation between the two organizations.
The meeting was attended by Oleg Budza, CNSM president, Rodica Popescu, Confederal Secretary of CNSM, Tatiana Marian, head of the Department of Mass Media and International Relations of CNSM, president of the CNSM Youth Commission, Sergiu Stanciu, director of the Labour Institute and Radu Plamadeala, consultant in the Department of Organization, Coordination, Services within ÖGB.
Those present have analysed the current state of cooperation and have identified additional ways and instruments to amplify it.
At the same time, the meeting aimed to establish direct contact for the representatives of ÖGB with the new management of the Labour Institute and to get familiar with the conditions for the process of forming the trade union staff at the methodological-didactic centre of the CNSM.
Oleg Budza, CNSM president, mentioned the good relations that have existed between the two organizations for several years, materialized in successful projects such as the Trade Union School in Moldova and other educational projects.
“We still count on the support of ÖGB and share of experience. Of course, the socio-economic realities in our countries are quite different, but we can take good practice from ÖGB in the field of social dialogue, trade union formation and recruitment of new members,” the trade union leader underlined.
Referring to the socio-economic realities of the country, Oleg Budza noted that the Government is making important efforts to create new jobs, but it is necessary to improve the investment climate by combating corruption, creating decent working conditions, investing in the training of qualified staff, according to the current labour market requirements.
In turn, Marcus Strohmeier, head of the International Department, Austrian International Secretary of the Austrian Trade Union Federation (ÖGB), welcomed the results obtained from the collaboration with the CNSM, and was convinced that they will be continued.
“ÖGB President Erich Foglar has asked me to give you high appreciation for the good relationships we have. We are going to identify topics and themes of interest for the trade union movement from the Republic of Moldova, where we could intervene and support through the subsequent implementation of educational projects “, stressed Marcus Strohmeier.
Department of Mass Media and International Relations of CNSM