
Cooperation between trade union organizations from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Moldova in the field of combating the informal economy and ensuring decent work



The president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) Igor Zubcu, is on a working visit to Kyrgyzstan this week. The trade union leader participates at the seminars as follows: “Workers’ organizations and the future of the informal economy” and “Decent work for peace and resilience: The role of Central Asian trade unions in mitigating the consequences of natural disasters and conflicts in the region”, organized by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the Pan-European Regional Council (PERC) of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), and the Federation of Trade unions of Kyrgyzstan.

These activities are also attended by Veaceslav Rufala, president of the Trade Union Federation of Energy and Industry, and Dorin Suruceanu, head of Department of Education and Research within the Labor Institute. Leaders of trade unions from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, IOM and ITUC experts are also present.

In the framework of the activities, participants will exchange experience on combating the informal economy, the role and actions taken in this regard by trade union organizations, respect for employees’ rights, trade union members, development of social partnership in the countries of the region, will get familiar with best practices implemented at international level in the field of combating the informal economy.

At the same time, trade unionists will discuss the impact of multiple crises affecting employees and economies as a whole, challenges related to the future of work, activities on collective consultations and collective bargaining, implementation of the International Labor Organization conventions, strengthening the capacities of trade union organizations to cope with current crises.

Those present will examine several ILO-ACTRAV reports and documents, will get familiar with various trade union organizing practices, the experience of several countries on the integration of various categories of workers working in the informal economy into the formal one and their trade union membership.

As reported, for the next period the priorities of trade unions will continue to be focused on respect for human rights and improving working conditions, peace building, equal rights, social protection for all, transition to organic production, decent work, social and economic reconstruction in the post-pandemic period.

The mentioned activities, carried out in Kyrgyzstan, are part of the project “transition from informal economy to formal economy”, implemented by the International Labor Organization in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.

Department of mass-media and international relations