
DECLARATION of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova regarding the moratorium on state control



National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova expresses its disagreement with the draft law on the moratorium on state control, on the development of which were not taken into account the proposals of trade unions.

It is incomprehensible the application of moratorium on state control regarding State Labour Inspectorate, which aims to ensure compliance with international documents, legislative and other normative acts on individual labour contracts; remuneration and labour protection; occupational safety and health and other fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, European Social Charter (revised), International Labour Organization Conventions no. 81, 129, 155, etc., to which Moldova is a party by ratification or accession.

Development of such legislation on establishing a moratorium on state control, without taking into account the fundamental rights of citizens (employees) do not fall within the principles of a state of law, even contradicts them.

According to the art. 4 of the Supreme Law of the State, legislative acts that contradict international rules are invalid.

Moreover, the lack of Government action to implement the recommendations of the Committee of Experts of the International Labour Office in March 2015 to bring national legal framework in accordance with art. 12 and 16 of the International Labour Organisation Convention no. 81, on labour inspection, also causes great concern for the hundreds of thousands of employees, trade union members.

In this context, National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova strongly believes that it cannot be brought any strong argument to support the establishment of a moratorium on state control regarding State Labour Inspectorate, which certainly will highly expose to risk life and human health at workplace and even labour accidents will increase, including encouragement of undeclared work.

Trade unions is convinced that the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova will not allow the establishment of a moratorium on state control, action which aims to ensure compliance with the fundamental rights of employees, and the provisions of international acts, constituting a commitment of Moldova to International Labour Organisation, primarily, by the ratification of the Conventions.


Oleg BUDZA                                                                         10th of February 2016