
DECLARATION: The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova expresses its concern and, at the same time, condemns the reforms of labor law, promoted by the Government of Ukraine




on reforms in the field of labor law in Ukraine,

January 10, 2020

The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova expresses its concern and, at the same time, condemns the reforms of labor law, promoted by the Government of Ukraine, without an adequate consultation of the social partners, which aim at excessive liberalization of the rights of employers in their relations with employees.

Or, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova fully shares the indignation of the Ukrainian trade unions, caused by the lack of social dialogue between the social partners on these reforms.

The reforms proposed by the relevant authorities, under the pretext of attracting investments, balancing the rights and interests between the employees and the employer, improving the trade union activity, we consider them contrary to the norms of international law, which aim at: the labor and rest regime; the prohibition of unjustified dismissal of the employee; the right to pay at least double for additional work; the right to the dismissal allowance; the right to collective bargaining;
the right to a stable job; the right of the employees’ representatives to participate in the elaboration of the draft normative acts in the field of work, social-economic and others.

These reforms, according to Ukrainian trade unions, are essentially aimed at exploiting through work the Ukrainian citizens in favor of business and multinational corporations, which is inadmissible. However, such reforms do not fall within the scope of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement.

The changes promoted by the Government of Ukraine in the field of labor law will surely cause dissatisfaction, collective labor conflicts, as well as emigration of the labor force.

The adoption by the Ukrainian Parliament of the reforms recently proposed by the Government, with all the risks highlighted by the Ukrainian trade unions, will further justify those declared by ITUC Secretary General Sharan Burrow that “The Government of Ukraine sustain the oligarchs and multinational corporations against workers, the public and the trade unions”.

In this context, the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova invites the relevant authorities of Ukraine, to ensure in the process of amending the labor law respect for the rights and work interests of citizens (employees), the principles of social partnership in the sphere of labor, as well as the rules of international law to which Ukraine is a party.

Here you can download declaration of The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova.

Here you can find a letter from ITUC and ETUC to Ukrainian authorities re draft labour law.