
Higher salaries for teachers in the new year of study



Starting September 1, the salaries of teachers in general and vocational-technical education will be increased by 11.3%. This consensus reached the working session of representatives of the Government and of the Trade Union of Education and Science of the Republic of Moldova, which took place today, 19 July.

Thus, the increase of a teacher’s salary will be from 333.9 to 621.4 lei, depending on the length of service and didactic degree, and the salary of a professor with specialized secondary education and a methodologist with higher education – from 302.8 to 545.1 lei.

The amount of funds required to ensure this salary increase for the 3 months of 2017, is estimated at about 94 million lei.

Also today, at the insistence of the trade unions, based on the forecast of the macroeconomic indicators, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the new amount of the average monthly salary forecast for 2017. The amount was set at 5,600 lei, rising by 300 lei towards the one approved in July 2016.

It is worth mentioning that this rectification has led to the increase of salaries for teachers.

Department of mass media and international relations