
Members of the Executive Committee of the Trade Union Federation from Culture examined several issues on the activity of the organization



Executive Committee of the Trade Union Federation from Culture (FSCL) met on Wednesday, 2nd of March, in an ordinary meeting to examine several issues regarding the activity of the organization.

Thus was adopted the decision “On the statistical report regarding the members of the Trade Union Federation of Workers from Culture for 2015″ and its Annexes, according to which the trade union members of the Federation of Workers from Culture on January 1, 2016 were 14285 people, of which 13 702 employees and 583 students and pupils from culture branch. FSLC is the basis of the 269 primary trade union organizations at a record of 37 territorial branch trade union centers and direct evidence of the Republican Council.

Regarding to staff training, it was approved the Statistical report on staff training of FSLC during 2015, according to which the trade unions at all levels have taken concrete steps towards improving staff teaching.

The Board of the Republican Council of FSLC organized and conducted over 2015 seminars entitled “Preparing of the reporting campaign and election of trade union bodies – 2015” , being developed and published two guides for presidents of primary trade union organizations and presidents of territorial trade union branch centers.

After conducting the IIIrd  Congress of the Trade Union of Culture (from 05/28/2015) and renamed in Trade Union Federation of Workers from Culture, there were organized 5 regional seminars entitled “Management of centre / primary trade union organization”, held in the territory with the active participation of trade union branch councils FSLC.

FSLC Executive Committee has reviewed and approved the total amount of allocations of state social insurance budget to ensure employees from branch culture with balneotherapeutic treatment in 2015.

By another decision of the Executive Committee of FSLC it was decided to organize and conduct the Sports Contest for employee trade union members from the Trade Union Federation of Workers from Culture, to be held in March-April in the primary trade union organizations and the final competitions will take place during 14th to 15th of May 2016.

Members of the EC of FSLC present at the meeting were exposed on the Sports Contest Rules, which will be multiplied and distributed to leaders of trade unions affiliated to FSLC, willing to participate in the Sports Contest.

In accordance with the statutory provisions, FSLC Executive Committee decided to convene the meeting of the FSLC Republican Council on 20th of April 2016, being approved the draft agenda for the regular meeting.

Trade Union Federation of Workers from Culture from the Republic of Moldova is a member of the National Trade Unions Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), the Consultative Council of Workers from Culture of Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia (headquarters in Moscow, Russia), UNI Global Union (headquarters in Nyon, Switzerland) and UNI-MEI (headquarters in Brussel, Belgium); International Federation of Actors (headquarters in Brussel, Belgium).