
Objectives of decent work, social and labour policies: training subjects for social partner representatives



Between 25-28 September, representatives of trade unions, employers’ organizations and governments of Ukraine, Moldova and the Balkan countries discussed the components of decent work, social and labour policies in the region, as part of a course organized by the International Labour Organization in Budapest, Hungary. The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova was represented by Tatiana Marian, head of the mass media and international relations Department.

The aim of the course is to strengthen the capacity of the social partners to contribute to the development of social and labour policies at national, regional and international level. Based on analytical results of labour research, the course offered the 24 participants the opportunity to exchange transnational experiences, good practices and knowledge transfer. The topics covered during the training included the concept of decent work in Central and Eastern Europe, the future of work, the informal economy, employment policies, innovations in active labour market policies, social protection, social dialogue, etc. Participants were involved in interactive discussions, exercises, debates, work in groups, study visit on vocational education, exchange of experience and knowledge in the field of work.

Tatiana Marian, head of the mass media and international relations Department, believes that “it is important to know the international trends and regional challenges in achieving the goals of decent work for all. Synergies in this regard can be achieved when social and economic issues are addressed through viable social partnership and institutional consolidation with an integrated approach. Thus, social dialogue is an effective mechanism to promote social development and long-term economic growth.”

The course design consists of three stages: the online induction phase, Budapest’s four-day training and the follow-up mentoring phase. At the end of the course, participants will be able to identify and prioritize decent work deficits at national level and develop individualized action plans specific to national situations to help achieve decent work goals.

Department of mass media and international relations of CNSM