Nearly 40 people, representing trade unions, employers organization, Ministry of Health, Labour, Social Protection, international experts of the European Training Foundation (ETF), International Labor Organization, Led Liechtenstein, MBO Raad from the Netherlands, attended a workshop on “Capacity Building for Sectoral Committees”, organized by the ETF at the CNSM Labour Institute.
It is the second event of its kind organized by the ETF in Moldova this year. We remind you that the first workshop with this generic took place in June, when it was decided to draw up a sectoral report on the construction sector by the members of this sector committee for the current session of the workshop on capacity building for sectoral committees.
Consequently, the main subject of today’s event was the sectoral report – skills / abilities in the construction sector, presented by Lidia Barburos, president of the Sectoral Training Committee in the Construction Industry, Executive Director of the Condrumat Employers’ Federation, who made a comprehensive overview of the current situation in the construction sector in Moldova, addressing the challenges faced by this area of the national economy in the medium term and implications for the skills and abilities of the employees in the sector.
Speaking about this document, Victor Talmaci, president of the SINDICONS Trade Union Federation of Constructions and Building Materials Industry of the Republic of Moldova, said that the state of affairs in the construction sphere is serious, and international institutions come to our country to warn once again about this, which dictates the undertaking of emergency measures.
The President of the SINDICONS Federation recalled that in this branch, for the first time in our country, the social partners formed the sectoral committee for the development of vocational education. As a consequence, occupational standards have been developed. It is now up to vocational schools to prepare workers for the construction field according to the requirements of the country’s labour market. To this end, it is necessary, said Victor Talmaci, that the study process, materials, teaching programs for institutions preparing construction specialists should be radically improved.
Generally speaking, the president of the SINDICONS Trade Union Federation of Constructions and Building Materials Industry of the Republic of Moldova has expressed the wish that all sectoral committees in the Republic of Moldova should have a concrete approach to the labour market needs and be as insistent as possible towards state institutions to accelerate the development of occupational standards, first of all, for the workers’ professions. Because, said Victor Talmaci, some of these standards are outdated. “Thus, we are able to get involved in a concrete way in solving the problem of the shortage of skilled workers,” concluded the leader of the trade unions in construction.
Pasqualino Mare, an expert of the ETF in the field of vocational technical education (VET) in Moldova, agrees those who believe that “sectoral committees are not working well”. However, he insisted that we must find out the reasons for these shortcomings. First, Pasqualino Mare recommended, the sectoral committees themselves have to demonstrate that they have an important role to play in developing the field in which they operate.
Department of Mass Media and International relations of CNSM