For the first time, social partners from Leova district signed on Wednesday, 24th of February, the Collective agreement (territorial level) for the period 2016 – 2018, concluded between local public administration, representatives of employers and territorial inter-branch trade unions Council from the district.
The document provides a number of obligations for the parties, to be implemented during the reporting period, to intensify efforts and achieve socio-economic protection, insurance and protection of employees’ rights.
Specifically, social partners are committed to contributing to the reduction of unemployment, development and proper functioning of work places, not to allow arrears in wages, to reduce the informal economy and to organize cultural, artistic and sport activities for employees and their families.
Sergiu Sainciuc, vice president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), said that this is the 18th Convention of territorial level, voicing confidence that with its signing employees will get a number of benefits, and social dialogue at the district level will be improved. However, Sainciuc announced the availability of CNSM to provide support in the implementation of the document.
Ion Gudumac, Leova district president, said that for local public administration it is important that employees’ issues to be solved through negotiations, not in the street, and this Convention will foster social partnership
In this context, Eugene Lupu, President of the territorial inter-branch trade unions Council from Leova district, stressed that the negotiations proceeded slowly, however, thanks to the support of social partners, they managed to include in the Convention a number of provisions which benefit employees, trade union members.
Department of mass-media and international relations