
The CNSM does not support the draft Regulation on the way of attesting the employees in the units



At the meeting on June 26, the Confederal Committee of the CNSM approved the notice of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, which refused to support the draft decision of the Government of Moldova for the approval of the Regulation regarding the attestation of the employees in the units.

One of the basic considerations of the CNSM is the concern that the approval of the Regulation in this case could create premises for abuse by employers in the sense that they will use this document as a tool for dismissing uncomfortable employees.

Another argument invoked by the CNSM in support of its position is that the draft Regulation on the attestation of employees in units does not provide for a proper employee evaluation mechanism in order to determine its level of qualification. More seriously, according to the project, the attestation is made by an interview with the employee on the basis of general employee data.

The CNSM finds it totally erroneous that a person who has obtained a qualification certificate such as a permit, a license, an authorization granted by a competent authority in a certain area, is certified by a commission formed at the discretion of the employer who do not have the necessary knowledge regarding the employee’s scope of activity, as proposed in the project.

It should also be noted that the dismissal on the grounds that the employee did not correspond to the position held or to the work performed due to the insufficient qualification according to the Labour Code of the Republic of Moldova has repeatedly provoked contradictory discussions between the social partners as well as multiple illegal dismissals and appeals in the courts.

Department of mass media and international relations