
The CNSM leadership had a meeting with Heinz Koller, Director for Europe at the International Labor Organization



Today, June 6, Igor Zubcu, President of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), had a meeting with Heinz Koller, Director for Europe at the International Labor Organization (ILO). The meeting was also attended by Sergiu Sainciuc, Vice-President of CNSM, Maurizio Bussi, Deputy Director of the ILO for Europe and Sergejus Glovackas, Director of the ILO-ACTRAV Bureau for Europe and Central Asia.

During the discussions, the perspectives of collaboration between the institutions, the cooperation of CNSM and ILO-ACTRAV were approached. Igor Zubcu informed the ILO representatives about the conduct of the 4th Congress of the CNSM, the documents adopted by it and the priorities of the trade unions in the Republic of Moldova for the next 5 years.

Also were discussed the socio-economic developments in the Republic of Moldova, the support provided by the trade unions for refugees as a result of the war in Ukraine. At the same time, a special importance during the meeting was given to the observance of international labor standards.

We would like to outline that between 5-10 June, Igor Zubcu, president of CNSM, and Sergiu Sainciuc, vice-president of CNSM, participates at the 110th session of the ILO International Labor Conference in Geneva, Switzerland.

The conference will discuss several reports on the world of work, respect for labor rights in different regions of the world, recommendations on decent work, safety and health at work, the future of work.

Department of mass-media and international relations