The normative framework aiming to regulate the employment field, its institutional system, as well as the legal relations that appear in the implementation of the employment measures were complemented with a new Law on the promotion of employment and unemployment insurance. This law comes to replace the former Law no. 102 of 13.03.2003 on the employment and social protection of jobseekers.
The aim of the new law is to promote efficient employment measures on the labour market, modernizing them and adapting them to the current needs of the labour market, in line with European aspirations, as well as reducing the level of unemployment and its social effects.
The trade unions, in the process of drafting and finalizing this law, came up with several proposals for improving, some of which were found in the adopted version. Thus, in order to ensure efficient social partnership in the management of labour market processes, the proposal of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) to provide a special status to the tripartite Council of the National Employment Agency was taken into account. The composition of this body of the social partnership will be approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Social Protection.
We hope that focusing on active employment measures, either by creating new jobs or by facilitating access to vacancies, will help to better employ people looking for a job.
Unemployed and employers will also benefit from support for vocational training, workplace subsidies, job adaptation to the needs of people with disabilities, as well as mobility for accepting a job in another locality.
The law also regulates the work of private employment agencies dealing with employment abroad. It is welcomed to regulate the way in which the agencies operate, particularly with a view to ensuring the rights of workers who use their services.
According to Sergiu Sainciuc, vice-president of the CNSM, the implementation of pro-active labour market policies, increasing the motivation of work and the achievement of the objectives proposed in the new Law on the promotion of employment and unemployment insurance will change and improve the situation on labour market.
In order to ensure the effective implementation of the law as well as to increase the knowledge of employees and jobseekers about the opportunities offered by the new law, the CNSM aims to implement more information measures for the population.
The Law on promotion of employment and unemployment insurance will enter into force 6 months after its publication in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova on 10 February 2019.
Department of mass media and international relations