
The perspectives of the CNSM affiliation to the ETUC, discussed in Brussels



The president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), Igor Zubcu, delivered a speech on Wednesday, June 22, from the central tribune of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), where he spoke about the importance of the CNSM’s affiliation to the ETUC, steps supported by the ETUC leadership.

Igor Zubcu, president of the CNSM, stated that at the meeting of the Confederal Committee of the CNSM on June 16, 2022, the presidents of the national-branch trade union centers emphasized the need for the CNSM’s affiliation to ETUC, an organization whose mission is to encourage the European unity, peace and stability, enabling employees and their families to enjoy civil, social and employment rights in line with the European standards.

At the same time, during the meeting attended by the president of the CNSM, the trade unionists from Ukraine also communicated about their intention to join ETUC. We would like to point out that the affiliation of trade unions from Moldova and Ukraine to ETUC takes place on the eve of the European Union Summit, which will take place on June 23-24. At this Summit, European leaders will discuss progress in EU integration, the challenges generated by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, and the granting of EU candidate status to several countries in the region, including the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.

Earlier, on June 7, 2022, in Geneva, Switzerland, President of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, Igor Zubcu, met with Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation, during the 110th session of the International Labor Conference. The parties addressed topical issues, including the socio-economic situation in the Republic of Moldova, reforms in the field of social protection, as well as the problems faced by employees, trade union members.

The European Trade Union Confederation is the main trade union organization representing workers at the European level. In its role as a European social partner, ETUC coordinates the national and sectoral policies of its affiliates in social and economic matters, in particular in the EU institutional processes.

ETUC was founded in 1973 and includes 89 trade union organizations, comprising more than 45 million trade union members from 39 countries.

Department of mass-media and international relations