
The President of the Republic of Moldova had a meeting with the President of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova



The president of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu, met today, April 20, with Igor Zubcu, president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova.

President Maia Sandu mentioned that, for the government, the major priorities are the creation of jobs, encouraging efficiency and increasing productivity at the workplace, as well as creating the conditions for bringing back the citizens from abroad home, and the trade unions can and should become partners in this endeavor. Also, the head of state emphasized the need to reform the state institutions and exclude abuses in the implementation of labor legislation.

Igor Zubcu assured that measures will be taken to restore confidence in the trade union structures and rehabilitate the image of the organization, affected by the fraudulent management of the trade union’s assets in the recent years. Under these conditions, president Maia Sandu shared its openness for the development of dialogue with the social partners.

During the discussions, the trade union leader referred to several topics of importance for employees, trade union members. These include: setting a single minimum wage of 50-60% of the average monthly salary in the economy according to the provisions of the revised European Social Charter; improving Law no. 270/2018 on the unitary wage system in the budgetary sector in order to motivate employees in the budgetary sector; connection of the national legal framework to several Conventions of the International Labor Organization (no. 81, no. 102, no. 129, no. 161).

Igor Zubcu also spoke about the importance of ratifying international standards in the field of social protection, including the protection of wages in the case of employer insolvency (ILO Convention no.173), and the adoption of a law on the establishment of the wages claims guarantee fund; promotion of EU Directives in the field of protection of the rights and interests of employees, non-admission of the diminution of the rights and guarantees of the employees in order to ensure the compliance of art. 371 of the RM-EU Association Agreement.

At the same time, the CNSM president communicated about promoting the efficiency of the social dialogue at all levels (national commission for collective consultations and negotiations, branch commissions for collective consultations and negotiations), consultation and solution of employees’ issues at the discussion table.

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Department of Mass Media and International Relations