
The strategic directions of the Laboratory Control of Risk Factors activity for 2020 were drawn



The representatives of the national-branch trade union-centers responsible for the policies applied in the field of Safety and Health at Work analyzed together with the leadership of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and the Labor Inspectorate of Trade Unions the achievements of the Laboratory Control of Risk Factors (LCRF) and the activity strategies for the year 2020.

Mihail Hîncu, vice-president of the CNSM, mentioned that LCRF has obtained the Accreditation Certificate from the National Accreditation Center of the Republic of Moldova (MOLDAC) and is ready to offer for free of charge a wide range of services for measuring the risk factors for trade unions and trade union members.

In his turn, Albert Răileanu, head of the LCRF, informed that the mission of the laboratory is to provide the beneficiaries with quality services, for monitoring the safety and health conditions in the workplace. The main objective of the laboratory is to improve continuously the quality of the services in carrying out measurements regarding the parameters related to factors such as: microclimate, lighting, noise, vibration and electromagnetic field. It was specified that the laboratory does not carry out the certification of the jobs but provides services for measuring the risk factors.

For the year 2020, the persons responsible of the laboratory activity and the specialists in the field of occupational safety and health have set themselves to continuously improve the laboratory management system, to intensify the communication and cooperation in the field of measurements in enterprises, to train interested parties regarding the requirements fulfillment of the quality standards of the measuring and evaluating risk factors methods.

We specify that the LCRF activity within the Labor Inspectorate of Trade Unions is part of the provisions of the CNSM Strategy for the years 2017-2022, regarding the need to improve the situation in the field of occupational health and safety. We remind that the laboratory services are performed based on an Application that can be accessed here.