“Ensuring the right to decent work, the organization, cooperation and employment of young people in the context of sustainable mobility and development were the main priorities of the Youth Commission of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova during 2017″, said Tatiana Marian, president of the Youth Commission of the CNSM at the annual organizing meeting of the Youth Commission’s activity that took place today, December 20th, at the House of Trade Unions.
From the report presented by the leader of the young trade unionists in the country, it appears that the CNSM Youth Commission has demonstrated a lot of social and civic activism, has been involved in many activities in order to promote the rights and interests of young people in the professional environment and to determine the young to engage more actively in the current trade union movement.
According to Tatiana Marian, in particular, the members of the CNSM Youth Commission focused on achieving the strategic objectives for youth contained in the strategy of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova for the years 2017-2022. In particular, the Commission’s work on cooperation with social partners, public institutions and civil society has been stepped up to address the problems faced by young people in a concerted way and bring added value to the situation of young people.
Another major milestone in the work of the Commission, Tatiana Marian said, was the raising of the level of information and professionalism of the young trade unionists. In this context, she mentioned that several training and development activities were organized for the new trade union leaders at all levels, such as the “Young People for an Innovative Social Trade Union” Campaign, the Youth Autumn School “Involved in Trade Unions – Active in society “and others, in which the young trade unionists were trained on interactive methods, in the spirit of good international practice, share of experience.
A separate chapter in the activity of the Youth Commission aims to materialize the strategic objective aimed at developing partnerships, collaborating with the international trade union structures and exchanging good practices. In this regard, the young trade unionists from Moldova participated in the “Youth Organizing Academy”, organized by the Youth Committee of PERC in Bratislava (Slovakia), at the International Youth Forum “Temp-2017″ in Minsk (Belarus) ) at the 5th International Conference “Youth Occupation and the Future of Youth Work”, organized by the PERC Youth Committee in Baku, Azerbaijan, as well as other events of this international importance.
The members of the Youth Commission have been fully involved in the achievement of the strategic objective of promoting and increasing trade union activity, which includes improving the image of trade unions and organizing campaigns to better inform young people about the benefits of union membership.
Also, within this event, the Action Plan of the Youth Commission for 2018 was adopted, which includes several activities, including the organization of a seminar on the importance of negotiating the collective labour agreement. This activity is harmonious in the campaign “Collective Labour Agreement – the guarantee of your rights”, approved by the CNSM Confederal Committee. It should be emphasized that the subject of the collective labour contract is to be addressed also at a conference and the autumn edition of the Trade Union School organized by the CNSM Youth Commission.
We mention that the CNSM president, Oleg Budza, who gave high appreciation to the Commission’s work in 2017, was present at the meeting of the young trade unionists.
Department of mass media and international relations