
Three trade union organizations from the Republic of Moldova will intensify the collaboration with foreign profile structures



The Trade Union Federation of Constructions and Building Materials Industry “SINDICONS”, the Trade Union Federation from Forestry “SINDSILVA” and the Trade Union Federation of Energy Workers “SINDENERGO”, will intensify the collaboration relations with the International Federation of Workers in Construction and Wood Industry (BWI ) and the Swedish Electricians Union (USE). This is what the trade union leaders of the three organizations from the Republic of Moldova and the foreign guests announced on March 28, during a meeting with the president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM).

The collaboration process, which is intended to be a long-term one, will be focused on three dimensions: training of trade union trainers; strengthening the capacity of new trade union leaders; working with the authorities and employers’ organizations on social-economic issues.

“For us it is important that the country develops, and the ideas, visions and different approaches coming from foreign trade union organizations are welcome. This will help to facilitate the exchange of experience and the implementation of modern practices that will benefit trade union members and society as a whole. Last year, we made a working visit to Sweden where we got familiar with the social dialogue practices we are trying to overtake. In this regard, we launched the national campaign “Collective Labour Agreement – the of your rights” to better inform the population about the role of the collective labour agreement”, said Oleg Budza, president of the CNSM.

During the talks, the trade union leader communicated to the BWI and USE representatives about the latest achievements and priorities of the CNSM, the policies implemented in various fields, the socio-economic situation in the country, and welcomed the intention of the two organizations from abroad to work with the national branches trade union centres from the country.

Niklas Enstrom, international secretary of the Swedish Electricians Union, said that the organization he represents wants to support the Moldovan trade unionists to meet the challenges of youth migration, to modernize the training processes, and to provide advice.

“It is gratifying that three Moldovan trade unions are already part of the BWI family. We are optimistic about the cooperation that will follow and we are convinced that we will achieve results,” emphasized Mihail Kartaşov, regional coordinator of BWI.

The leaders of the three nominated national-branch trade union centres, namely Victor Talmaci, Anatolii Ciobanu and Victoria Nita, expressed their gratitude for the support given by BWI and USE in the previously organized activities and reiterated the openness to intensify the collaboration relations.

Department of mass media and international relations of CNSM