
Trade unionists from South-East Europe are worried about negative trends in occupational safety and health



During the 26 – 27 September was held the regional conference entitled “The Correspondence of National Labour Legislation in Different Countries with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 81, on the work of labour inspection “. The conference held in Tbilisi, Georgia, was attended by 40 representatives from 12 countries, including two representatives of the Labour Inspectorate of Trade Unions (IMS) of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova – Elena Carchilan, head of IMS, and Ion Vartic, chief inspector at IMS .

On September 26, the official opening of the conference took place, attended by representatives of the Georgian Parliament and Government, as well as by the leadership of the Georgian Trade Unions Confederation and the Association of Employers of the host country.

Please note that this Conference is being held with the support of moderators and specialists from the ILO Regional Office, based in Moscow, Russia.

The ILO specialists informed the participants of the conference about the history and motivation behind the ILO creation, which in 2019 will celebrate its 100th anniversary.

Both the representatives of the Georgian state, the leadership of trade unions and employers, as well as the ILO specialists have characterized the situation in which work labour inspections in the host country and in the region as a whole.

Elena Carchilan, head of IMS, said that the considerable decrease in the work of the Labour Inspectorate and the proper role of the inspection has been emphasized, which casts doubt on the compliance with the provisions of the ILO Convention no. 81 of 1947 and the  Protocol of 1995, ratified by all States participating in the conference, except for Georgia.

Those present informed about the situation of the Labour Inspection activity in the respective countries, but also about the legislative and institutional issues in the field. Discussions followed on the reports presented by conference participants.

Department of mass media and international relations of CNSM