
Trade unions are in solidarity with Ukraine, helping refugees



Known as one of the most popular health resort in the Republic of Moldova, visited by thousands of people each year, the “Bucuria-sind” sanatorium is hosting these days hundreds of citizens from Ukraine who fled the war path to Moldova to find a refuge, or to go later on to other European states.

Elena, refugee: I’m here with my two children. The husband stayed home. We will stay at the sanatorium for a few days, after which we will go to Romania, where we have relatives waiting for us. At the sanatorium are good conditions. We have a place to sleep, hot food, in the rooms we have everything we need. We are very grateful for the way we were welcomed at the sanatorium.

Irina, refugee: We come from Odessa. It was very difficult to come by. There were large queues at the border. Through social media we found a group of volunteers who led us to this sanatorium. People are open and welcoming. Every second I want to say a big “thank you” to the Moldovans for their warmth in these complicated days for us.

Elena, refugee: From the border we have been helped by volunteers. We arrived at the sanatorium where we are accommodated free of charge. The accommodation conditions are excellent. The administration is very careful and gives us all the support. We will go on to Warsaw, Poland, where the daughter is established. We want peace.

Vitalie, refugee: We managed to get here with the whole family. We are boundless grateful to all Moldovans who help us. With food, transportation, access to communications. In such difficult situation for us it is very important to know that someone is helping you. The conditions at the sanatorium are very good. The children have found a small oasis of peace where they can escape the thoughts of war that grind us all. When the war will be over, we will return here and recommend our friends to visit this wonderful sanatorium.

Alina, refugee: I crossed the border with my daughter. We walked through the rain, with our luggage behind us. There are people who are helping us, but there are also dubious people that we need to avoid. At the sanatorium we like everything, the food is tasty, people have a benevolent attitude towards us. We will move on to relatives that are living in Europe.

According to Sergiu Costin, director of the “Bucuria-Sind” sanatorium, these days the sanatorium has become a placement center for Ukrainian refugees. At the moment (02.03.2022) more than 140 people are accommodated, and the numbers are changing every day. Some people stay at the sanatorium for several days, others for a shorter time and go to other states. Many of them go to Poland, Bulgaria, Germany.

“This is a big tragedy for everyone. At the sanatorium, there are mothers with children. We offer them accommodation, three times daily supply, hot water. The guard station activates 24 of 24 and is available to assist in case of an emergency. The population, especially the locals, are very receptive. We see an extraordinary mobilization from the population who is engaging and helping us. They bring us various food products, personal hygiene products, children’s toys, thick clothing. A number of organizations, including the national-branch trade union centers, responded very promptly. The CNSM leadership is constantly monitoring the process to give all the necessary help to refugees.” Costin said.

The trade unions are in solidarity with the efforts of the national authorities in order to support the Ukrainian citizens, refugees on the territory of Moldova. CNSM and the national-branch trade union centers have also recently launched a campaign to support refugees. The national-branch trade union centers can transfer special-purpose financial resources to the CNSM bank account. At the same time, the Confederation calls on the primary trade union organizations and trade union members to contribute as much as possible to the CNSM’s efforts to implement the necessary support measures for refugees from the neighboring country.

The financial resources received will be managed separately in the accounts of the CNSM and will be used by decision of the CNSM leadership depending on the urgent needs for the financing of the services provided to refugees (the procurement of essential products as well as the coverage of communal expenses by the balneoclimateric health resorts which are subordinated to the CNSM, which provides free accommodation to refugees).

It should be noted that on 25 February 2022, the CNSM Confederal Committee adopted a decision on support for Ukrainian citizens. According to this, accommodation is granted to refugees at the sanatorium “Bucuria-sind” from the Vadul-lui-Vodă city, the sanatorium “Nufărul Alb” from the Cahul city, the sanatarium “Codru” from the Călărași city.

We specify that, according to point 19 of the Disposition of the Commission of Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova no. 1 of 24.02.2022, local public authorities, public institutions, state-owned companies and trade unions will make available to the territorial social assistance structures subordinate accommodation objectives for the creation of Temporary Placement Centers for refugees.

According to data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since 02.03.2022, over 51 thousand Ukrainian refugees, including 19 thousand children, have been in Moldova. Over 112 000 thousand citizens of Ukraine entered the territory of Moldova between 2-24 March. Over 60 000 thousand Ukrainians have left the territory of Moldova. According to United Nations data, the number of Ukrainian refugees fleeing the country is increasing rapidly and has reached over 660 000 thousand people.