
Trade unions are launching a campaign for supporting Ukrainian refugees



The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) and national branch trade-union centers supports the efforts of the national authorities to sustain Ukrainian citizens, who have taken refuge on the territory of the Republic of Moldova due to the war in Ukraine, and is launching a campaign to support refugees. A decision in this regard was adopted by the members of the Confederal Committee of the CNSM on 28 February 2022.

In order to support Ukrainian citizens, refugees on the territory of the Republic of Moldova, the national branch trade-union centers may transfer financial means with special purpose to the bank account of CNSM:

(National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, Fiscal Code 42323019, BC “Victoriabank” SA, branch no. 3 Chisinau, IBAN Code MD82VI1022240300000046MDL).

At the same time, the CNSM calls on the primary trade unions and trade union members to contribute as much as possible to the CNSM’s efforts in order to implement the necessary support measures for Ukrainian refugees.

The financial resources received for special purposes will be managed separately in the accounts of the CNSM and will be used by decision of the CNSM leadership depending on the urgent needs for the financing of services provided to refugees, the procurement of essential products, as well as the coverage of communal expenditure by the sanatoriums subordinated to the CNSM, providing accommodation free of charge for refugees.

We should remember that on 25 February, in relation to the situation in Ukraine, the Confederal Committee of the CNSM adopted a decision on supporting Ukrainian citizens refugees due to the war in Ukraine. In accordance with that Decision, accommodation shall be granted to refugees from Ukraine, in sanatoriums subordinated to the CNSM, as follows: the sanatorium “Nufărul Alb” from city Cahul, health resort “Bucuria-Sind” from the city Vadul-lui-Vodă, health resort “Codru” from village Hârjăuca, district of Călărași.

According to point 19 of the Provision of the Commission for Exceptional Situations of the Republic of Moldova no.1 of 24.02.2022, local public authorities, public institutions, state-owned companies and trade unions will provide social assistance facilities with accommodation targets for the establishment of temporary placement centers for refugees.

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