
Young trade unionists mark International Youth Day



The members of the Youth Commission of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova today have held a meeting on the actions they will take to mark the International Youth Day, which is marked each year on 12 August.

Oleg Budza, president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM), spoke regarding the measures taken by the trade unions and the reached achievements in order to protect the social, economic and professional rights and interests of young people, according to international and national legislation. In particular, he referred to the efforts, the negotiations with the social partners on a continuous and sustainable internal and external partnership including on the youth segment, the promotion of democratic European values among young people and the alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals.

He also referred in detail to the strategic objectives for young trade unionists set out in the CNSM Strategy for 2017-2022. In addition, the CNSM aims to further cooperate with the social partners, public institutions and civil society to effectively address the problems faced by young people, to bring young people to tripartite committees and working groups to involve them in developing and implementing strategies, economic development programs.

Elena Stoica, the president of the CNSM Youth Commission, appealed to her young colleagues, urging them to be more innovative, to show civic activism and more intense involvement in branch trade union activities and to contribute plenary to solve the problems of young people in the community they work in. Young people have the power and will to produce qualitative and positive changes in socio-economic terms.

After organizing meeting, the young people were involved in debates within a panel discussing the main issues and viable solutions in the Moldovan youth sector. In the majority of those present at the event, migration, insufficient decent work, discrimination of young people in employment, inadequate conditions of safety and health at work would be some of the problems they identified in the labour market that affect young people in our country.

The young people also drafted a letter on modifying and improving the conditions of the “First Home” Program, to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance.

Another foreseen action, in which the members of the Commission were exposed, was the support of the Declaration of the Youth Committee of the Pan-European Regional Council on the occasion of the International Youth Day.

Department of mass media and international relations