General information
National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (NTUCM) is the national inter-branch trade-union center uniting in the numbers on a voluntary basis the national-branch trade-union centers, and doesn’t depend on public authorities, parties and other political associations, employers and public organizations.
NTUCM is a single inter-branch trade-union center uniting 420 thousand of members from 27 national branch trade-union organizations. Among them – education and science, information technology and media, agriculture and food, medicine, social services and goods, communications, construction, light industry, consumer cooperatives, trade and business, chemical industry, energy, culture, employees of the Interior Ministry, government agencies and many other industries.
Since February 2010 NTUCM became a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which include among their 311 national trade union centers in 155 countries and regions with a total coverage of 175 million members of this organization. National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova on the right is a member of the General Confederation of Trade Unions (Moscow city).
Fundamental principles promoted by the Confederation of the protected are: democracy, freedom, solidarity, transparency, equal rights and opportunities.
Main objectives of Confederation:
- representation and protection at the national level, human and socio-economic, professional, collective and individual interests of union members;
- promotion of basic principles of the European social model;
- protection of trade-union freedoms and the right of workers to creation of trade unions and association in the trade-union centers;
- expansion of the national trade union movement and consolidation of civil society;
- consolidation of all levels of Trade Unions;
- actualization and development of social dialogue and social partnership;
- consistent realization of social justice and the dignity of labor.
Means of achievement of the purposes:
- participation in development of programs, laws and other regulations whose purpose is to regulate the rights and professional, labor, economic and social interests of members of Trade Unions;
- development and promotion of programs and strategies for conducting trade union activities aimed at implementing the objectives for which a confederation;
- multilateral support to major projects of member organizations and their continuous cooperation in the Confederation;
- negotiating and the conclusion of Collective agreements at national level;
- legal assistance and protection of individual and collective interests of its members at all levels, including the courts;
- participation in the settlement of collective labor disputes, representation of member organizations in the agreed commissions;
- control over observance of the labor legislation and other statutory acts containing norms of the Labor Law, collective agreements and collective labor contracts;
- utilization of specific means of: negotiation, agreement, application, petition, protest, rally, strike and other actions provided for by law;
- supports and representations to the member organizations and members of trade union in any agencies, the organizations or establishments of protection of the trade-union right, trade-union freedom, the collective or individual labor law;
- establishments of the organized system of support of legislative initiatives, with a view of reduction of the national legislation in conformity with the international norms of work and observance of the general indispensable conditions in any legislative or the statutory act – protection of the rights, freedom, legitimate interests of workers, equality and social justice, liquidation of inadmissible forms of operation of child labor;
- representations to the member organizations on equal terms with social partners in management of the budget of the state social insurance, funds of medical insurance, unemployment etc.;
- creation in the interests of member organizations and the conditions stipulated by the legislation Solidarity Fund aid, including veterans of labor unions, strike, insurance, pension, training and other necessary funds to carry out statutory tasks;
- establishment of periodicals and other media, release profile of printed materials, etc.;
- monitoring compliance with ILO conventions ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova;
- references in international the organizations in case of infringement of the rights of trade unions and workers or default by the authorities of the obligations following from profile international certificates in which participates or which the Republic Moldova has joined;
- cooperation with Trade Union organizations of other countries joining the international Trade Union funds.