Wednesday, June 8, in Chisinau was organized the workshop on the topic “Dialogue and participating partnerships on education and vocational education in Moldova”, where were analysed issues of the national vocational education, especially in the agricultural sector, and how they can be resolved.
The workshop was attended by the representatives of the Government, of the EU Delegation, of the trade unions in agriculture, employers’ organizations and several vocational schools.
The objective of the workshop was to identify the most effective European practices in the field of vocational education, which subsequently could be taken over by sectoral Committees and implemented in various fields within domestic enterprises.
Petru Chiriac, vice president of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, said that currently the training of the professional cadres not fully correspond to labour market needs and the existent deficiencies can be remedied through continuous training.
Leonard Palli, president of the Sector Committee of Agriculture and Food Industry, pointed out that this workshop is extremely useful for the members of sectoral committees to facilitate the process of implementation of reforms in vocational education.
The representatives of the EU Delegation said that the progress in Moldova in human development are significant, but it is necessary to implement modern policies, inspired from the European practice, to develop education and training system.
The workshop was organized under a project of the European Training Foundation, which is a specialized agency of the European Union, which aims to facilitate the development of human capital in countries in transition.
More pictures can be seen on our page on Facebook here.
Department of mass-media and international relations