
The participants in the march for solidarity,dedicated to the Day of Trade Union members, have submitted a number of requirements to the authorities



The activists and trade union members from the Republic of Moldova have attended today, June 7, the march for solidarity dedicated to the Day of Trade Union members. They chanted and urged the authorities for: „no illegal work”, „fair wages and decent pension”, „a decent life at home” etc..

The march was attended by over 5000 people – members of trade unions. The managing board of the National Confederation of Trade Unions (NCTU) launched an appeal to the Moldovan authorities regarding serious social and economic situation in the country.

In their Appeal, the trade union members express their dissatisfaction regarding the inability of state agencies to ensure their citizens fundamental rights at work, decent wages, healthy conditions, safety and welfare at work.

The NCTU members urged their social partners at all levels to be sympathetic to the trade unions and to focus their efforts to ensure the creation of new jobs, establish decent wages and create normal working conditions.


The president of The NCTU Oleg Budza, spoke out that it is necessary to create appropriate working conditions in the country for young people, who are the future of this state, so that they don’t go abroad, but stay satisfied and protected in the Republic of Moldova.

„If employees will be protected, if there will be no corruption at work, there will be decent wages and pensions. The trade unions existence at work places don’t allow any informal economy, and no unofficial salary is paid there” said Budza.

The Prime Minister Iurie Leanca said that all union demands are part of the fundamental objectives of the new government program presented to the Parliament, which will be implemented as soon as possible.

„The dialogue with trade union leaders proved once again a very important premise that trade unions and government actually have the exact same purpose – increase the welfare of the ordinary citizen. We are not the opponents of trade unions, we are their partners. I want this partnership to be productive, to have effective cooperation for improving the working conditions. I am convinced that we will work very actively with the trade union members and I promise to triple efforts against unofficial wages”, had emphasised Leanca.

The Day of Trade Union members is celebrated for the sixth time, after the June 7, 2007 when the two national trade union centers have adopted a historic decision of reunifying the trade union movement in the country, merging them and creating a single center – the National Confederation of Trade Unions (NCTU).

The National Confederation of Trade Unions is the only inter-sectoral trade union center, comprising over 400 thousand members in 29 national trade union branch. Among them there are workers in education, science, information technology and media, agriculture and food, social work and production of goods, communications, construction, light industry, consumer cooperation, trade and entrepreneurship, chemicals and energy, collaborators from Ministry of Internal Affairs system, state institutions and many other industries.

Since February 2010, NCTU is the member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which brings together its 311 national trade union centers in 155 countries and regions with total 175 million members.

Trade Unions are organizations set up to protect and promote the professional, economic, social, cultural and sports interests of its members, namely their rights under labour law and employment contracts.

The first Trade Unions appeared in the UK, where in 1868 there had been created the Trade Union Congress. In 1920 over 60% of working people in Britain were members of the union branch. Gradually, trade unions have spread widely throughout the world.

In Moldova the first professional unions were organized during the first bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1905-1907. First joiners of the union were builders, tailors, shoemakers, railway workers, metallurgists and agricultural workers. A new impetus to the trade union movement was recorded after the revolution in February 1917.

Information Centre of Trade Unions