Declaration of the Confederal Committee of the National Confederation of Trade Unions of Moldova
Starting from the current imperatives of the Republic of Moldova: economic stagnation, unsatisfactory working conditions, low wages, migration of the labor force abroad, pensions below the minimum of subsistence, the high level of prices and tariffs for goods and services of first necessity, for medication, excessive politicization of the public function, discrediting of the state institutions, especially of Justice and Prosecutor’s Office, deterioration of the image of the Republic of Moldova abroad,
Considering the grievances and demands of over 450 thousand employees – trade union members, expressed in the Declaration of the General Council of NCTUM from April 2, 2015 about the socioeconomic situation in the country, and of the superficial answer of the concerned ministries to them,
Considering as priority the active involvement of decision-making bodies in the achievement of socio-economic policies, in combating the informal economy, in reducing the poverty and unemployment,
the Confederal Committee of NCTUM repeatedly insists that the Government and the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova take concrete measures to achieve the following claims:
1. Establishing out the minimum salary amounting to 50-60 percent of the average wage, with subsequent indexation at the level of the consumer price index.
The time has come when we’ve had enough of promises and we insist on achieving the issues addressed. In case if our claims will be overlooked, we take the responsibility to proceed to other actions, according to the current legislation, including actions of protest.
On behalf of the Confederal Committee of NCTUM,
Oleg BUDZA, president of the NCTUM