The National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova (CNSM) is a national interbranch trade union centre of confederal type, which meets on voluntary basis national-branch trade union centres and is independent of public authorities, parties and other socio-political organizations, employers’ associations and public organizations, is not subject to their control.
National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova consists of 24 branch federations, comprising over 300 000 trade union members. Among them, there are employees from education and science, agriculture and food, social services and production of goods, communications, constructions, light industry, consumer cooperatives, trade and business, chemical industry and energy resources, culture, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, state bodies and other branches.
Since February 2010, CNSM is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), which meets 332 national trade union centres from 163 countries and regions covering 200 million members.
The fundamental principles promoted by the CNSM are democracy, freedom, solidarity, transparency, equal rights and opportunities.
The confederation has the following main purposes: national representation and protection of rights and socio-economic, professional, labour, collective and individual interests of trade union members; updating and developing of social dialogue and social partnership; the progressive realization of social justice and dignity of work; strengthening trade unions at all levels and consolidating the relations with the civil society;
The stated goals are achieved by CNSM based on: negotiations and conclusion of collective agreements at national level; representation of member organizations on equal terms with the social partners in the administration of state social insurance budget, healthcare insurance funds, unemployment etc; participation in drafting programs, laws and other normative acts aimed at regulating the rights and professional, labour, economic and social interests of trade union members; providing legal assistance and defence of collective and individual interests of its members at all levels, including in the courts; monitoring compliance with the International Labour Organisation Conventions, ratified by the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova.
CNSM was established on the 7th of June 2007 by the merger of two national-interbanch trade union centres: Confederation of Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova and Confederation of Free Trade Unions of the Republic of Moldova “Solidaritate”.
Hymn of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova
Download the CNSM hymn in audio format here.
Download the text of the CNSM hymn here.
CNSM logo
CNSM logo here.
Relevant results of the CNSM in 2018 here.
(1) The Confederal Committee is constituted by the president, the vice-presidents of the Confederation and the presidents of the member organizations.
(2) In the case of the motivated absence of the president of the member organization, the meetings will attend the vice-president with the right to vote or another representative, designated by the competent governing bodies according to the statutes of the member organizations.
(1) The Confederal Committee is the governing body of the Confederation during the period between meetings of the General Council.
(2) Confederal Committee:
(1) The General Council is composed of:
(2) The representatives of the member organizations are mandated / revoked by their competent bodies.
(1) The General Council is the governing body between the congresses and carries out its activity according to its own Regulation.
(2) The General Council:
The Congress is the supreme governing body of the Confederation.
Chief of the Department
Tel.: 022-26-65-05
The Department of social – economic protection of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova expertise draft laws and other regulations on economic and social issues and submits respective proposals and objections to central public administration; participate, as appropriate, in parliamentary and government committees to examine the drafts of legislative acts related to economic and social rights of the population; collaborates with social partners and other institutions and organizations in the country in issues related to social and economic protection of employees; examines key indicators characterizing social and economic situation of the country, including in the area of remuneration, development of social dialogue, study the living standards of the population, the labour market situation and submits corresponding proposals; deal with complaints; provides instruction and practical help.
Chief of the Department
Tel.: 022-26-65-68
The legal Department of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova represents and defends the rights and professional, economic, labour and social collective and individual interests of trade union members with public authorities at all levels, public associations, with employers and their associations; examines current and future issues of legal nature concerning interests of trade union members; monitor violations of trade union rights. It also assists members with legal problems arising from labour relations and examines their petitions; assists trade unions in the proper application of labour law and legislation on trade unions, but also in examining and solving individual disputes and collective conflicts. Participates in legal training of trade union members.
Eugeniu COVRIG
Chief of the Department
Tel.: 022-26-65-14
The Labour Inspectorate of Trade Unions exercises control over compliance with labour law and other normative acts in the field of labour in enterprises, institutions and organizations with any type of property and legal form of organization, where trade union organizations operate.
Labour inspectors of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova provide free consultations in the field of occupational health and safety and work relations, which refer to violations of labour rights of workers and trade union members, working conditions, collective and individual labour conflicts.
Chief of the Labour Inspectorate of Trade Unions
Tel.: 022-26-65-77
Department of finance, accounting and insurance of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova ensures the accounts of CNSM, manages trade union assets and budget, distributes and keeps record of the tickets for the sanatorium treatment of trade union members and summer recreation of children of trade union members.
Tatiana OLOI
Chief of the Department
Tel.: 022-26-65-13
The Department of International Relations, Mass Media and Information Technologies of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova ensure the development and dissemination of information materials on the activities of CNSM and branch trade unions, establishes partnerships and mutually beneficial relationship with the representative press institutions, develops communication with the public; initiates, develops and strengthens relationships with international trade union organizations and other external partners.
Valeriu CAZACU
Chief of the Department
Tel.: 022-26-65-09
The Department of secretariat and protocol of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova performs the following functions: examination of incoming and outgoing documents, as well as the internal one, to be presented to the management for report; receipt, recording, keeping, shipment and delivery of mail; inspection and enforcement within the examination of documents; ensuring a systematic storing and using archival documents; organization for copying.
Chief of the Department
Tel.: 022-26-65-08
Department of trade union assets, technical services and exploitation of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova ensures management and upgrading of trade union assets, which include resort institutions and camps for children, buildings owned by CNSM.
Chief of the Department
Tel.: 022-26-65-35
The Audit Committee is the body for controlling the economic and financial activity of the Confederation and is independent in its work. The Audit Committee shall operate in accordance with the Regulation approved by the General Council. The Committee shall report on its work to the Congress and shall inform the General Council and the Confederal Committee annually, as appropriate, on the results of the checks carried out.
Women Commission is a structure of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova, which aims to protect labour, economic and social rights of women trade union members by monitoring compliance with legislation regarding the protection of labour and social rights of women; active participation in realization of trade union policies; cooperation with state structures and civil society through cooperative efforts to strengthen favourable environment to democratic changes, setting up a society with equal rights and opportunities for women and men. Youth Commission of the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova has the following tasks: implementation of the youth policy of CNSM, the consolidation of the shares of young trade unionists to protect the rights and interests of young trade union members; develop and submit proposals for improving the legal and regulatory framework in the youth field; organization of information activities on the actions of CNSM and creation of positive image of trade unions; participation in trade union education process of young people and attract them in the trade union movement; multilateral cooperation with similar youth organizations nationally and internationally.
Labour Institute is the pillar of education and training of trade unionists within the National Trade Union Confederation of Moldova. Its activity is focused on the following main areas: coordination and implementation of science teaching methodology of the education system of CNSM; development of training programs for trade union officials and activists and thematic programs; train staff and trade union militants of national intersectoral level; offers methodical assistance for training process at different levels; development of studies, opinion polls, analyses, scientific research in areas of trade union interests.